Wir führen Ihr Verfahren mit vollem Einsatz und höchstem Sachverstand. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass unsere Partner von Mandanten und Kollegen regelmäßig für ihre herausragenden Leistungen als Prozessanwälte ausgezeichnet werden, z.B. als ” fantastic courtroom performer” oder “one of the top counsel of his generation“. Unser exzellenter Ruf gründet auf vielen Jahren erfolgreicher Prozessführung in einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Fälle, in welchen nicht selten auch über den Fortbestand eines Unternehmens entschieden wird oder das Vermögen von Einzelpersonen auf dem Spiel steht.

Ein Streitfall muss jedoch nicht einmal besonders komplex sein und auch gar keinen hohen Streitwert haben, um für Ihr Unternehmen von entscheidender Bedeutung zu sein. Wir vertreten unsere Mandanten entschlossen und effizient in Streitigkeiten jeder Größenordnung. Unser Fokus liegt auf der Erzielung des bestmöglichen Ergebnisses für unseren Mandanten – im Gerichtssaal oder aber am Verhandlungstisch.

Unsere langjährige Erfahrung als Parteienvertreter umfasst die Aufarbeitung hochkomplexer Sachverhalte, auch in Zusammenarbeit mit externen Sachverständigen, die überzeugende Lösung komplizierter Rechtsfragen, Mehrparteienstreitigkeiten, jurisdiktionsübergreifende Verfahren, die Erwirkung von vorprozessualen Maßnahmen zur Sicherung von Vermögenswerten oder Beweisen und von einstweiligen Verfügungen während des laufenden Hauptverfahrens, sowie die Erarbeitung detaillierter Vollstreckungsstrategien.

Was uns besonders auszeichnet, ist unser ausgeprägtes Verständnis für die Branchen unserer Mandanten, wie insbesondere Energiewirtschaft, Bauwirtschaft, Schifffahrt, Commodities, Logistik und Versicherungen.  Auf unsere Erfolgsbilanz bei der Vertretung in Post- M&A und gesellschaftsrechtlichen  Streitigkeiten, sowie strittigen arbeits- und betriebsverfassungsrechtlichen Angelegenheiten sind wir stolz. Auch im IP-Recht und Wettbewerbsrecht setzen wir die Interessen unserer Mandanten vor Gericht durch.

Komplexe Verfahren & grenzüberschreitende Rechtsstreitigkeiten

Unsere Juristen sind erfahrene Prozessanwälte und arbeiten auf höchstem internationalen Niveau, mit Zulassungen in Großbritannien, Österreich, Australien und den USA (US Federal und Appellate Courts, sowie bei den Anwaltskammern der Bundesstaaten New York, Kalifornien, Illinois, New Jersey und Texas).

Unser Prozessführungsteam vertritt Mandanten häufig auch vor Berufungs- und Höchstgerichten, etwa dem österreichischen Obersten Gerichtshof, verschiedenen Berufungsgerichten in den USA, Federal District und State Courts der USA, dem Court of Appeal of England and Wales, den Commercial und High Courts of England and Wales und dem Federal Court of Australia sowie den NSW District und Supreme Courts. Zur effektiven Durchsetzung der Ansprüche unserer Mandanten führen wir parallele Verfahren in mehreren Jurisdiktionen und erwirken einstweilige Verfügungen in verschiedenen Staaten.

Am Beginn der erfolgreichen Prozessführung steht das Verstehen der konkreten Interessen unseres Mandanten – diese stellen wir in den Mittelpunkt unserer Strategie. Wir messen unseren Erfolg an für unsere Mandanten bestmöglichen und unternehmerisch sinnvollen Ergebnissen: Dies kann bedeuten, einen Fall bis zu einem rechtskräftigen Urteil fortzuführen, notfalls bis in letzte Instanz, oder aber in einem (außer-)gerichtlichen Vergleich die Auswirkungen eines anhängigen Rechtsstreits auf die Unternehmensführung rasch zu neutralisieren.

Im Verlauf eines Verfahrens evaluieren wir die sich ständig ändernden Prozessrisiken und -strategien. Darüber hinaus sind wir uns natürlich bewusst, dass ein Rechtsstreit nicht immer nur vor Gerichten ausgetragen wird – wir helfen unseren Mandanten in allen Phasen eines Rechtsstreits, ihre Litigation-PR zu optimieren.

Unsere Partner vertreten regelmäßig multinationale und mittelständische Unternehmen sowie staatliche Institutionen vor Gerichten und Tribunalen in komplexen Verfahren aller Art. Unsere Expertise umfasst Vertragsstreitigkeiten und Schadenersatzklagen, Produkt- oder Berufshaftpflichtfälle, Insolvenz- und Restrukturierungsstreitigkeiten, die Geltendmachung oder Abwehr von Sammelklagen, gesellschaftsrechtliche Streitigkeiten (z.B. Joint Ventures, Aktionärsstreitigkeiten und Post-M&A-Streitigkeiten) sowie arbeitsrechtliche Verfahren. Zum Schutz der Interessen unserer Mandanten erwirken wir auch regelmäßig einstweiligen Rechtsschutz vor staatlichen Gerichten.

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Sammelklagen & Massenklagen

Trotz ähnlicher Terminologie unterscheidet sich der rechtliche Rahmen für Sammelklagen grundlegend, je nachdem in welcher Jurisdiktion man prozessiert. Unsere internationale Beratung geht im Detail auf diese Unterschiede ein. Wir verteidigen Ihr Unternehmen gegen Sammelklagen, und helfen bei der Beurteilung Ihres Prozessrisikos sowie möglicher Vergleichsszenarien.

In Europa müssen sich Unternehmen, die sich mit Anschuldigungen unrechtmäßiger Geschäftspraktiken konfrontiert sehen, möglicherweise schon bald gegen große und potenziell ruinöse “Massenklagen” zur Wehr setzen. Derzeit sind das europäische Rechtssystem und die nationalen Rechtsordnungen in dieser Hinsicht stark in Bewegung. Mit unserem Position Paper on the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers to the European Commission stehen wir an vorderster Front bei der Gestaltung eines neuen europäischen Systems des kollektiven Rechtsschutzes.

Auch in anderen Jurisdiktionen vertreten wir in Sammelklagen oder Verbandsklagen, etwa bei der Anspruchsdurchsetzung von Aktionären börsennotierter Unternehmen, welche marktrelevante Informationen nicht rechtzeitig zur Verfügung gestellt hatten. Solche Klagen gehen oftmals auch mit behördlichen Untersuchungen vor der eigentlichen Prozessphase einher.

Mit einer Sammelklagen konfrontiert findet sich Ihr Unternehmen leicht im Fokus des öffentlichen Interesses. Hier verstehen wir die Notwendigkeit, Ihre Rolle als verantwortungsbewusster Marktteilnehmer zu betonen und helfen Ihnen dabei, Ihre Perspektive auch öffentlich zu vermitteln.

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Personal Injury und Wrongful Death

Ansprüche im Zusammenhang mit Personenschäden und Todesfällen können für Seefahrts- und Transportunternehmen, die in den Vereinigten Staaten tätig sind, zu erheblichen Risiken führen. Unabhängig davon, ob es sich um die Abwehr von seerechtlichen Schadenersatzansprüchen handelt oder um Ansprüche, die aus Verletzungen bei Straßenunfällen resultieren – unsere Juristen verfügen über die Erfahrung und das nötige Know-how, ihren Fall effizient aufzuarbeiten, Verteidigungsmaßnahmen bereits frühzeitig aufzugleisen und so die Interessen und Assets unserer Mandanten bestmöglich zu schützen. Unsere Anwälte vertreten regelmäßig vor Staats- und Bundesgerichten in den USA und erzielen dabei hervorragende Ergebnisse für unsere Mandanten.

In Seerechtsangelegenheiten sind unsere Juristen stets bereit, rasch auf Entwicklungen zu reagieren, relevante Beweise zu sichern, Zeugen zu befragen und bei Untersuchungen der US-Küstenwache zu helfen. Wir verteidigen Mandanten in Gerichtsverfahren im Zusammenhang mit Ansprüchen nach dem Jones Act und LHWCA 905(b) sowie bei Verletzungs- und Todesfällen infolge von Schiffsunfällen.

Im Transport- und Logistiksektor vertreten wir regelmäßig Unternehmen, die im Bereich des Straßentransports in Schadensfälle verwickelt sind. Wir verteidigen Ansprüche vor Gericht, setzen vertragliche und gesetzliche Ansprüche gegen die verantwortlichen Parteien durch und unterstützen Versicherer bei der Analyse von Versicherungsfällen zur Bildung angemessener Rückstellungen. Zu unseren Mandanten zählen Spediteure, Makler und Eigentümer von Equipment in den gesamten USA.

Wir sind stolz darauf, aufgrund unserer Branchenerfahrung und juristischen Fachkompetenz regelmäßig von führenden P&I-Clubs, Versicherern und Unternehmen in der See- und Transportindustrie mandatiert zu werden.

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Vollstreckung von Urteilen, Asset Tracing und Sicherung von Vermögenswerten

Unsere Erfahrung im Asset Tracing und bei der Sicherungen von Vermögenswerten ist marktführend. An einigen der bedeutendsten Asset Tracing Unternehmungen der letzten Jahre waren unsere Anwälte federführend beteiligt. Sowohl unsere Mandanten als auch unsere Kollegen schätzen unsere Erfahrung in diesem Bereich.

Wir schöpfen sämtliche rechtliche Mittel aus, um die Ansprüche unserer Mandanten effektiv durchzusetzen und zu sichern. Wir unterstützen unsere Mandanten regelmäßig dabei, Zahlungen auf Grundlage von vollstreckbaren Urteilen und anderen Vollstreckungstiteln (wie z.B. Schiedssprüchen) zu erlangen. Unsere Juristen sind mit der Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von ausländischen und staatlichen Gerichtsurteilen vor staatlichen Gerichten bestens vertraut. Dazu zählt auch die Unterstützung unserer Mandanten bei oftmals kompliziert ausgestalteten Zustellvorgängen im Ausland.

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Katastrophenschäden und Notfallmaßnahmen

In ihrer Tätigkeit als in-house Counsel, in Kanzleien und in militärischen Führungsfunktionen haben unsere Partner einzigartige Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen erworben, die wir in der Reaktion auf große Schadensfälle und Katastrophen zum Einsatz bringen: Krisenreaktion, Teamarbeit, Führungsqualitäten und schnellen Einsatz. Unsere Bereitschaft und Fähigkeit, bei Seeunfällen sofort zu intervenieren, um gemeinsam mit unseren Mandanten frühzeitig und professionell in den Krisenbewältigungsmodus zu schalten zeichnen uns aus.

Unsere Hilfe in Notfällen geht über den maritimen Sektor hinaus und erstreckt sich auch auf andere Katastrophen, wie etwa Wirbelstürme, Überschwemmungen, Schneestürme, Explosionen, Einstürze von Bauwerken, größere Zug- und Straßenverkehrsunfälle, Krieg, Cyberangriffe, höhere Gewalt und andere Krisensituationen.

Unser 24/7-Einsatzteam stellt sicher, dass unsere Mandanten ein sofortiges und effektives Krisenmanagement durchführen können, um die Folgen und Schäden einer Katastrophe aus menschlicher, wirtschaftlicher und rechtlicher Sicht zu minimieren. Selbstverständlich stehen das Wohlergehen und die Sicherheit aller an einem Schadensfall beteiligten Personen stets an erster Stelle.

Auch aus rechtlicher Sicht ist es notwendig, mit Ersthelfern, der Regierung und Ermittlungseinheiten zusammenzuarbeiten und gleichzeitig sicherzustellen, dass die Rechtsposition unserer Mandanten in den ersten schwierigen Momenten nach einem Vorfall nicht beeinträchtigt wird.

Dabei die richtige Balance zu finden erfordert eine Mischung aus gutem Urteilsvermögen, Erfahrung, Durchsetzungsvermögen und Gelassenheit in Drucksituationen. All dies bieten wir unseren Mandanten.

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Rechtsstreitigkeiten im Bereich Arbeitsrecht und Betriebsverfassungsrecht

Unsere erfahrenen Arbeitsrechtsspezialisten und Prozessanwälte vertreten regelmäßig und erfolgreich Arbeitgeber vor Arbeitsgerichten – bis hin zum Obersten Gerichtshof – in Klagen wegen ungerechtfertigter Entlassung, Diskriminierungsfällen, Kündigungs- und Entlassungsanfechtung sowie Entgelt- und Arbeitszeitverfahren.

Auf dem Gebiet des Betriebsverfassungsrechts vertreten unsere Anwälte regelmäßig in arbeitsgerichtlichen Verfahren im Zusammenhang mit Betriebsratswahlen, Betriebsübergängen und deren Einfluss auf Betriebsräte, Sozialplänen und Betriebsvereinbarungen sowie in Verfahren vor der Schlichtungsstelle.

Wir unterstützen unsere Mandanten regelmäßig in Verwaltungsverfahren und in Rechtsstreitigkeiten, die besonders kündigungsgeschützte Arbeitnehmer betreffen (z.B. begünstigt behinderte Arbeitnehmer, Betriebsratsmitglieder).

Unser Team bietet mehr als bloße Rechtsvertretung: Wir sind engagierte und vertrauenswürdige Berater, die unermüdlich daran arbeiten, die besten Ergebnisse für unsere Mandanten zu erzielen und dabei nie den Fokus auf die wirtschaftlichen Hintergründe und betrieblichen Zusammenhänge verlieren.

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Lisa Beisteiner
Partner - Wien
Calum Cheyne
Partner - London
Edward W. Floyd
Partner - New York
Joe Gosden
Partner - London
Joseph Johnson
Partner - New York
Hans Georg Laimer
Partner - Wien
Timothy S. McGovern
Partner - Chicago
Alfred Siwy
Partner - London, Wien
Damon Thompson
Partner - London
Jonathan Webb
Partner - London
Jody Wood
Partner - London
Luke Zadkovich
Partner - London, New York, Sydney
Gerold Zeiler
Partner - New York, Wien
Lukas Wieser
Counsel - Wien
Zach Barger
Senior Associate - Chicago
Miguel Caballero
Senior Associate - London
Ondrej Cech
Senior Associate - Wien
Thomas Herbst
Senior Associate - Wien
Eva-Maria Mayer
Senior Associate - New York
Melina Peer
Senior Associate - Wien
Philip Vagin
Senior Associate - London
Mitchell Beebe
Associate - London
Anastasiia Demidova
Associate - London
Rowland Edwards
Associate - Chicago
Wafeek Elafifi
Associate - Chicago
Leo Rees-Murphy
Associate - London
Harrison Smith
Associate - London
Karen Tsang
Associate - London
Poppy Watson
Barrister - London
Jakob Reckhenrich
Barrister - London
Jennifer Holdway
Trainee Solicitor - London
Augusto Garcia Sanjur
Associate - London
Alexandra Kutschera
Junior Associate - Wien
Christian Weisgram
Junior Associate - Wien
Jakub Mikulski
Paralegal - London
  • Representation of a large Austrian multinational in various shareholder disputes regarding the nullity of corporate resolutions (EUR 85 million, Austrian courts including Austrian Supreme Court).

  • Representation of shareholders of a large Austrian industrial conglomerate against a global conglomerate in disputes relating to several share purchase agreements (EUR 700 million, Austrian state courts).

  • Representing one of the world’s leading supplier of profiling lines in damages procedure (Austrian courts).

  • Representation of a global plant manufacturer based in Austria in court proceedings against a leading cellulose/fibre producer concerning the construction of an industrial piping system (EUR 2 million, Austrian courts).

  • Assessing criminal and civil options, and coordinating an asset seizure search and attach strategy in Mexico for a major case for shipowners pursuing a Chinese mining conglomerate in Mexico. The underlying case involved allegations of cartel cooperation and fraudulent dissipation of assets (USD 2.5 million).

  • Representation of an Eastern European energy company in court proceedings against two Central European entities regarding interim measures (EUR 16 million, Austrian state courts).

  • Advised an international bank on issues arising from the cancellation of a trade credit facility, assignment of a related insurance claim and pursuing assets of the borrowers (oil traders) in various jurisdictions across the world, including England, Singapore and Belize.

  • Representation of a South European plant-engineering manufacturer in proceedings on the annulment of an arbitral award (EUR 40 million, Austrian Supreme Court) – 2016.

  • Representation and assisting the representation of several clients in several US Federal District Courts regarding seeking of security for underlying claims by way of maritime attachment proceedings.

  • Representation of International bank involving actions under the Insolvency Act 1986 to unwind a transaction at an undervalue/a transaction entered into with intent to defraud creditors. Part of a broader coordinated global approach to enforce a claim against an insolvent entity.

  • Managed a successful Commercial Court appeal for Romanian metals receiver/trader in relation to fraudulent conduct alleged against a major English metal trader. The appeal was successful and further associated proceedings were launched in Turkey.

  • Pursued a claim for major US commodities trading house for damages in respect of late delivery / unseaworthiness against vessel owners in LMAA arbitration proceedings. Also handled negotiations with Mediterranean receivers. Brought related actions in Texas and Turkey for discovery and vessel arrest against the owners.

  • Pursued a large energy company for shipowner clients seeking damages arising due to delay / fire to a terminal in Brazil. We intervened into related English Court of Appeal proceedings and obtained a favourable outcome.

  • Advising an Austrian manufacturer of vehicle lighting systems and electronic components on employment and industrial relations matters, including working time scheme, shop agreements and employee’s IP rights. Representing the company in court proceedings against employees challenging their employment termination (Austrian courts).

  • Representing a Viennese university in a court procedure against a researcher (Austrian courts).

  • Representing an Austrian leading construction and engineering company in the court proceedings against a former consultant claiming damages based on the alleged existence of an employment contract after the consultant contract was terminated (Austrian courts).

  • Supporting a leading global human proteins manufacturer (one of our long-standing clients) in every aspect of their employment and industrial relations issues.
    Representing the company in court proceedings against its works council and individual employees regarding the employee’s classification in the company’s overall salary scheme (Austrian courts).
    Representing the company in court proceedings against its works council with regard to the
    potential change of the current working time schedule in the company’s various production lines(special conciliation board at the Austrian courts).

  • Representation of an international cash handling company in the proceedings against company’s former managing director regarding the lawfulness of his employment termination for cause (Austrian employment courts).

  • Representation of a Lithuanian transport company in a debt collection case against an Austrian transport agency.

  • Ongoing support of an Austrian traffic engineering and advertising technic group regarding various employment matters, including the introduction of new working time regulations, redundancies and employment law measures during the COVID-19 situation.

  • Assistance of a multinational supplier in printing and packaging industry regarding a change in the management of the Austrian entity. Representation in the court proceedings against client’s former managing director with regard to his company pensions entitlement (Austrian courts).

  • Representation of a multinational Swiss biopharmaceutical company against the claim of former long-time employee that the termination of her employment relationship was unlawful.

  • Representation of a UK financial service company against a former employee in the court proceedings on damage claims (Austrian courts).

  • Ongoing employment law support of the Austrian subsidiary of an international auditing company, including the amendment of the working time scheme, the termination of employment relationship and the representation in court against former employees.

  • Representation of a 10%-shareholder against another 10%-shareholder in a corporate litigation on whether the contribution of 80% of the shareholding in a world-leading sport equipment manufacturer to an Austrian Private Foundation was valid (EUR 800 million, Austrian courts).

  • Representation of a large Austrian multinational in the proceedings on constitutionality of the Austrian Squeeze out Act (EUR 10 million, Austrian Constitutional Court).

  • Assessing the laws on lifting the corporate veil on companies in Mexico for a major shipping demurrage case, where the underlying cargo interests were not in a position to accept delivery and the vessel carrying crude ended up waiting for months before discharge could occur (USD 3+ million).

  • Advised a major international trading house (Singaporean plc), in respect of a cargo claim against vessel owners. Travelled to Lagos and Port Harcourt, Nigeria, to take evidence from our trading clients, surveyors, port terminal operators and harbour masters. In the arbitration proceedings, the Owners counter-claimed for wrongful arrest in Nigeria / breach of London arbitration agreement.

  • Supporting an Austrian integrated oil and gas company in every aspect of their employment and industrial relations issues.Representing the company in court proceedings against an employee claiming higher pension entitlements than currently paid out. The case is of utmost importance, as further employees may raise similar claims (Austrian court).
    Assisting the company in the court proceedings against a former contractor regarding the existence of an employment relationship.

  • Acted for Owners in relation to a vessel collision, involving issues of English, US and Australian law. The dispute involved complex claims in General Average, under a Charterparty and under Bills of Lading.

  • Supporting a leading German multinational home improvement supplies retailing company in all employment related matters, including assistance in drawing-up a data-protection law compliant HR system and its implementation, in line with the respective requirements under Austrian employment law, for about 3,500 employees in Austria.
    Assisting the company in defending their current working time schemes against claims of numerous employees and the works council for introduction of a 4-day working week, based on the newly introduced collective bargaining agreement.
    Representing the company in court proceedings against one of its former employees claiming re-instatement of her employment based on allegedly socially unfair notice of termination and discriminatory treatment in connection with employment termination (Austrian courts).

  • Representation of major Danish shipowner in an off-hire and performance dispute which threw to both US and English jurisdictions.

  • Acted for a Belgian/Turkish shipowner in relation to outstanding sums under a series of charter parties.  Obtained an award in the client’s favor. The matter involved dispute over jurisdiction, overdue hire payments and the validity of an assignment.

  • Supporting a multinational Italian/American car manufacturer and seller (one of our long-standing clients) in all operative day-to-day employment law, industrial relations and pension issues. Providing support, from Austrian employment law perspective, in possible restructuring measures, including potential reduction in force, mergers and shut-downs of certain operations in Austria. Representing the client against employee’s alleged sexual harassment claims.

  • Defense of logistics company against claims involving a cargo of copper that disappeared from a container in transit. Enforced package limitation under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act and won appeal before Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

  • Representation of client insurance company in the Eastern District of Wisconsin regarding damages to a cargo of food products carried from California.

  • Representation of European bank regarding recovery of a multi-million dollar claim against an insolvent entity under claims relating to mis-delivery of cargo. Assertively pursued security actions against possible assets and successfully obtained an attachment over assets belonging to an alter-ego in a US targeting a vessel in the Southern District of Texas. In a reported decision, successfully defeated post-discovery motion to vacate seizure order and dismiss action. Global litigation included proceedings in UK and East Asia.

  • Representation of Italian shipowners in defense of numerous cargo claims resulting from signficant vessel incident involving major container loss.

  • Representation of clients, multiple entities from multiple countries involved in exchange trading business, in defense of fraud allegations brought by a Greek billionaire and related companies.

  • Representing a Dutch manufacturer of printers in a court proceeding against a former employee (Austrian courts).

  • Representing a leading Austrian construction company in four parallel court proceedings against company’s former manager inter alia on the issue of wrongful employment termination and claims for overtime payments (Austrian courts; Committee for Disabled Employees).

  • Representing a senior employee of an international mobile communications company in challenging the termination of his employment (Austrian employment courts).

  • Representation of an Austrian building services engineering company in two court procedures initiated by a former employee, challenging the notice of termination due to his status as a disabled person.

  • Provided legal advice to an Austrian traffic engineering and advertising technic company in the pre-trial phase against a Slovenian supplier and a Dutch client.

  • Representation of a Korean luxury car dealer in a court proceedings against an Austrian supplier (Austrian courts).

  • Representation of a South European plant-engineering manufacturer in a challenge proceedings against all three arbitrators of a previous arbitration proceeding (EUR 3 million, Austrian Supreme Court).

  • Representation of a global franchise company in a court proceedings against local franchisees (Austrian courts).

  • Representation of a Central European construction company in court proceedings on disbursement of performance and advance payment guarantees (EUR 1.4 million, Austrian court).

  • Representation of a large Austrian multinational in a damage claim against a minority shareholder (EUR 20 million, Austrian courts).

  • Representation of a global plant manufacturer based in Austria in court proceedings against an oil & gas multinational concerning the refurbishment of industrial equipment in an oil refinery (EUR 1 million, Austrian courts).

  • Representation of a global plant manufacturer based in Austria in a dispute against a large process technologies, equipment and plant manufacturer concerning the construction of an industrial piping system (Austrian courts).

  • Acted for a Norwegian chartering company in four separate arbitrations/charters.  Issues include failure to nominate, coercion to pay outstanding demurrage, failure to pass on money received from sub-charterers and receipt of fund by agents for principals. There were separate Norwegian proceedings for security.

  • Acted for a trading company in relation to a High Court action brought by a US metals company and related court/arbitration proceedings involving a UK metals trading company. The proceedings involved allegations of fraudulent misappropriation of company funds, sanctions issues and contract default.

  • Representing a leading Austrian construction and engineering company in proceedings on termination of the employment contract of a manager, who had a status as a disabled employee, eligible for preferential treatment (Committee for Disabled Employees).

  • Representation of a Western European financial entity in Austrian annulment proceedings regarding an ICC award against several European entities (EUR 10 million, Austrian courts – including the Supreme Court).

  • Representation of global energy major in an LMAA arbitration in a long-term charterparty dispute for a LNG carrier.

  • Representation of European ro-ro operator and logistics services provider in relation to a multi-jurisdictional dispute arising from container damage at the Port of Cork, UK.

  • Representation of cargo interest in claims for cargo damage caused by collapse of warehouse. Won key motion for sanctions and defeated the warehouse’s motion for summary judgment to enforce a limitation of liability.

  • Representation of major soft commodity trading company in English High Court proceedings, alleging false representation and deceit against a Russian commodity trader.  Matter also involved worldwide freezing orders, underlying GAFTA arbitration proceedings in London, English enforcement proceedings and Russian enforcement proceedings; obtained a full judgment and London arbitral award.

  • Represented charterers in a case ultimately determined by the Court of Appeal. The case involved a point of general application in relation to the Barecon 89 form, and turned on the construction of the requirement for the vessel to remain in class.

  • Acted for client on a multi-million dollar dispute relating to an FPSO vessel re-fit. The case involved a detailed and technical review of claims arising out of a series of variation orders, and a detailed legal analysis of the overarching nature of the contract.

  • Representation of Eastern European state in the Southern District of New York regarding enforcement proceedings arising from an UNCITRAL arbitral award. Successfully obtained attachment of funds deposited with arbitral body.

  • Representing a global trading service in a successful strike out/summary judgment application and security for costs application in the High Court of England & Wales, after allegations were made of breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty and commission of the tort of conspiracy to injure by unlawful means.

  • Defended oil spill indemnification claims against client time charterer following oil spill event on Mississippi.

  • Representaiotn of major turkish conglomerate in pursuit of claims against US manufacturer of heavy equipment for defects and return of deposits, successful defeat of subject matter jurisdiction challenge involving the structural nature of a Turkish A.S. (Anonim Sirket).

  • Representation of Asian shipowner in US federal litigation brought against a publicly traded US minerals and mining company in connection with the pursuit of fraudulent transfer claims. In a reported decision, successfully defeated summary judgment motion made by defendant.

  • Secured a settlement at almost the entire value of the claim for a major shipping operator in respect of a shortage claim under bills of lading.

  • Advised an international reinsurance broker involved in large-scale civil litigation brought by the liquidators of HIH in the Supreme Court of NSW.

  • Obtained dismissals based on U.S. maritime law defenses resulting in reduction of client’s damages from multimillion-dollar jury verdict to less than $300,000.00 in a lawsuit by former Jones Act employee and family.

  • Obtained sanctions on behalf of a minority shareholder following dismissal of a lawsuit on the basis of res judicata filed against minority shareholders by the directors of the corporation for tortious interference and civil conspiracy in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois.

  • Representation of a Spanish airline in the court proceedings against an employee challenging his notice of termination (Austrian courts, including Austrian Supreme Court).

  • Representation of a lage Austrian multinational in the proceedings against contractual claims brought by a former manager (EUR 30 million, Austrian state courts and an ad hoc arbitral tribunal).

  • Acted for an international metals trading house, and then its cargo underwriters, in a major subrogated claim against Owners, Shippers and Receivers in relation to stolen steel cargo. The case involved multi-layered court action across the world, including vessel arrest proceedings in Turkey and Lebanon, and other corporate criminal actions in Russia, Florida and Switzerland.

  • Representation of client aircraft manufacturer in defense of asbestos related lawsuit for personal injuries resulting from asbestos exposure during maintenance and repair. Upon removal to federal court, plaintiff’s motion to remand was denied.

  • Representation of US energy major in defense of general average claims following vessel grounding. Claims not pursued following aggressive pursuit of international discovery and investigation. Handled global coordination of legal and investigatory team.

  • Representation European winery against allegations said to sound in breach of contract and unjust enrichment brought by alleged US distributor.

  • Defending Turkish Fin-Tech entrepeneur from allegations by former business associate(former employee/ consultant) that major foreign exchange trading business/ platform and technology developer was / is owned by a partnership rather than outright and solely by entreprneur.

  • Defense of client, an entity involved in the foreign exchange industry, against fraud allegations in Chicago, Illinois, as part of a global defense effort. Successfully obtained vacatur of a default judgment and dismissal of the action with the vacated default judgment.

  • Defended demurrage claim based on a series of long-term delays at various load/discharge ports. Developing arguments based on tendering of an invalid NOR and deploying compelling fact-based evidence to fall within an exemption to demurrage

  • Advised coal trader on a 1.5 year coal supply contract dispute against the receiver. The receiver argued repudiation for alleged fraudulent conduct, namely backdating a B/L. Client claimed damages for wrongful repudiation in LCIA proceedings. There were related LMAA arbitration proceedings and UK court proceedings for freezing orders and vessel arrest.

  • Advised shipowner clients and its P&I Club on a cargo misdelivery claim and associated indemnity action.  The bill holders’ claim was subject to LMAA arbitration proceedings and the indemnity proceedings were before the English High Court.  Our client obtained freezing orders against the commodities trader in England, enforced those in Switzerland and Rule B attachments against the indemnifying party in the US, having defended a sister-ship arrest in Morocco and related proceedings in Dakar.

  • Obtained dismissal of employee’s workers’ compensation claim for Longshore Act employer client at trial level, resulting in settlement for amounts previously paid following appeal of court’s dismissal.

  • Representation of a Singaporean shipping company with its main seat of business in London in enforcement and recognition of foreign award proceedings (USD 5.7 million, Mexican courts).

  • Acted in a major English Technology and Construction Court claim for French-based international insurers following a catastrophic train derailment in the Midlands, UK.  We handled the regulatory investigations into the accident and the litigation. Devised our client’s litigation strategy and the key contractual defences. After six years the case successfully resolved.

  • Advised a large US commodities trader in an arbitration claim for overpaid hire and bunkers on a time charterparty. This involved insolvency proceedings in Greece and various actions for security.

  • Advised the primary D&O insurer of one of Australia’s largest construction companies in relation to a claim for alleged non-disclosure of material market information on losses sustained by the insured on a construction project.  The matter was brought as a class representative action in the Federal Court of Australia, and involved the company and its directors/executives.

  • Representation of a German manufacturer of modern technological products in court proceedings against an Austrian employee with regard to the cross-border applicability of the protection against termination under Austrian Labour Constitution Act and German law (Austrian courts, including the Austrian Supreme Court).

  • Representation of condominium developer client in a construction defect matter in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois filed against the developer, contractor, and subcontractors.

  • Representation of a large Austrian multinational in the squeeze-out of a minority shareholder (EUR 10 million, Austrian courts).

  • Representation of a German lamp and illuminate manufacturer in court proceedings against an Austrian employee regarding the cross-border applicability of the protection against termination under Austrian Labour Constitution Act (Austrian courts including Austrian Supreme Court).

    Leaders League 2023

    • Alfred Siwy
      Commercial Litigation: Highly Recommended Individual 2023 (Austria)
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Commercial Litigation: Highly Recommended Individual 2023 (Austria)
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Commercial Litigation: Highly Recommended Firm 2023 (Austria)

    Chambers Global 2023

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2022

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Top Arbitration and Litigation Practitioner

    Leaders League 2022

    JUVE 2022

    Chambers Global 2022

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      International & Cross-Border Disputes (Austria: Band 3)
      The team in Vienna provides clients with expertise in disputes, with practitioners experienced in international arbitration and cross-border litigation. The group is particularly well regarded for its arbitration capabilities and is often instructed on cases spanning CEE, across various industry sectors. The team is well-versed in working with both Austrian and foreign multinationals.

    Chambers Europe 2022

    Best Lawyers 2023

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration & Mediation, Labor & Employment Law, and Litigation

    Best Lawyers 2022

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration & Mediation, Labour & Employment Law, and Litigation 2022

    Chambers Global 2021

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      International & Cross-Border Disputes (Austria: Band 3)

    Best Lawyers 2021

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration and Mediation, Labour and Employment Law, and Litigation 2021
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Lawyer of the year for Litigation 2021

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2021

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Top Arbitration and Litigation Practitioner (#1)
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Tier 3 Firm in Transport: Shipping - Litigation and regulation
      “[T]he team is noted for its ability to advise on US and UK law, working in conjunction with its counterpart in the firm’s London office.  The firm is led by name partners Luke Zadkovich and Edward Floyd: Zadkovich has previous experience working at a major P&I Club…”
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Tier 3 Firm in Transport: Shipping - Litigation and regulation
      “From its base in New York, the team has expanded quickly over the past couple of years, having opened an office in Chicago with the hire of Timothy McGovern from Swanson, Martin & Bell; and then establishing an office in Houston in 2020. In addition to its expansion across the US, the team is noted for its ability to advise on US and UK law [...]"
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Austria: Litigation 2020
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Austria: Litigation 2019

    Leaders League 2019

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Excellent in the category "Litigation & arbitration - International arbitration"

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2023

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Austria's Top Arbitration and Litigation Practitioner

    Handelsblatt 2022

    Best Lawyers 2024

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration & Mediation, Labour & Employment Law, and Litigation

    Handelsblatt 2023

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbeitsrecht | Konfliktlösung | Schiedsverfahren, Streitbeilegung, Mediation