Wie aus der Übersicht zu unseren Beratungsschwerpunkten ersichtlich, umfasst dies sämtliche arbeitsrechtliche Bereiche, wie z.B. arbeitsrechtliche Verfahrensführung, arbeitsrechtliche Beratung und „Housekeeping“, Betriebspensionen, Auswahlverfahren und Performance Management, Vorstandsverträge, globale Mobilität und Immigration sowie Datenschutz. Unser Arbeitsrechtsteam unterstützt unsere Mandanten auch in allen betriebsverfassungsrechtlichen Angelegenheiten.

Unser Arbeitsrechtsteam berät Unternehmen in einer Vielzahl von Sektoren und Branchen. Dies ermöglicht es uns, unsere Beratung stets auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse unserer jeweiligen Mandanten anzupassen.

Arbeitsrechtliche Streitigkeiten & Prozesse

Unser Team aus erfahrenen Anwälten vertritt regelmäßig Mandanten vor Gerichten, einschließlich des österreichischen Obersten Gerichtshofes und Landes- bzw. Arbeitsgerichten, sowie Schlichtungsstellen.

Unsere erfahrenen Prozessanwälte haben Arbeitgeber dabei erfolgreich in Klagen wegen unberechtigter Entlassung und Diskriminierung sowie im Zusammenhang mit Kündigungsanfechtungen und Leistungsbegehren gegen Arbeitnehmer vertreten.

Zusätzlich unterstützen unsere versierten Experten Arbeitgeber regelmäßig in arbeitsgerichtlichen Auseinandersetzungen im Zusammenhang mit Betriebsratswahlen, Betriebsübergängen und deren Einfluss auf Betriebsräte sowie Schlichtungsstellenverfahren zu Sozialplänen und Betriebsvereinbarungen.

Unsere Arbeitsrechts-Spezialisten unterstützten Mandanten auch bei Verwaltungsverfahren in Fällen von Behinderung, Diskriminierung und anderen Fragestellungen im Zusammenhang mit der Beendigung oder Reorganisation von Arbeitsverhältnissen.

Wir bieten unseren Mandanten einen Mehrwert, der über die reine Rechtsberatung hinausgeht. Wir sind engagierte und vertrauenswürdige Berater, die unermüdlich daran arbeiten, durch einen ausgeprägten strategischen Fokus die besten wirtschaftlichen Ergebnisse für unsere Mandanten zu erzielen.

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Arbeitsrechtliche Beratung & Housekeeping

Unser Team von erfahrenen Arbeitsrechts-Spezialisten unterstützt unsere Mandanten in allen Bereichen des nicht streitigen Arbeitsrechts, vom Anfang bis zum Ende eines Arbeitsverhältnisses.

Dies beginnt mit Background-Checks zukünftiger Mitarbeiter und der Strukturierung von Bewerbungsgesprächen. Es umfasst aber auch die Ausarbeitung von (Manager-) Verträgen und Bonusregelungen, die Ihre Mitarbeiter motivieren, sowie passenden Arbeitszeitregelungen für Ihre Belegschaft.

Unsere Experten unterstützen Mandanten auch beim Management der Fehl- und Abwesenheitszeiten ihrer Mitarbeiter (Mutterschaftsurlaub, Elternteilzeit, Krankenstand, etc.) sowie bei einem allenfalls erforderlichen Personalabbau.

Wir unterstützen Unternehmen regelmäßig bei Restrukturierungen und Betriebsübergängen sowie im Zusammenhang mit Wirtschaftskriminalität („white-collar crime“), bei Diensterfindungen, dem Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen und nachvertraglichen Konkurrenzklauseln.

In letzter Zeit haben wir auch umfassende Erfahrungen bei der Unterstützung unserer Mandanten in Bezug auf eine Vielzahl an arbeitsrechtlichen Maßnahmen im Zusammenhang mit COVID-19 gesammelt. Adäquate Home-Office Regelungen sind dabei natürlich ein Schlüsselthema und wir gehen davon aus, dass dies auch in naher Zukunft so bleiben wird.

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Betriebspensionen und Freiwillige Sozialleistungen (Fringe Benefits)

Unsere ausgewiesenen Experten im Bereich der betrieblichen Pensionsvorsorge unterstützen Arbeitgeber regelmäßig bei der Erstellung und Anpassung von Pensionsvereinbarungen. Zusätzlich beraten unsere Spezialisten Arbeitgeber oftmals auch im Zusammenhang mit den Auswirkungen der Beendigung von Anstellungsverträgen auf Pensionsvereinbarungen, zu den Arbeitgeberpflichten aufgrund von Pensionsvereinbarungen sowie den Auswirkungen von Betriebsübergängen und Mutterschafts- bzw. Vaterschaftskarenzen auf betriebliche Pensionsvereinbarungen.

„Fringe Benefits“-Pakete für Arbeitnehmer umfassen regelmäßig etwa einen Firmenwagen auch zur privaten Nutzung, Firmenwohnungen sowie eine (zusätzliche) Krankenversicherung, Gewinnbeteiligungen oder Pensionszusagen, um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen. Unsere Spezialisten unterstützen Arbeitgeber regelmäßig bei allen arbeitsrechtlichen Fragen zu Anreizsystemen – von der Erstellung der passenden (Manager-) Anstellungsverträge bis hin zur Gestaltung und Umsetzung von komplexen Bonusregelungen.

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Rekrutierungs- und Performance Management & Verträge mit Führungskräften

Ein zentraler Teil des Recruitings sowie der Mitarbeiterbindung und -motivation besteht darin, sicherzustellen, dass Arbeitsverträge und Vergütungspakete Mitarbeiter motivieren zur Erreichung der Unternehmensziele beizutragen. Unser Team verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung, um unsere Mandanten dabei zu unterstützen.

Ein Schwerpunkt unserer Expertise liegt dabei auf der Gestaltung von Anstellungsverträgen mit Führungskräften, wobei insbesondere Themen wie Aktienpläne und Anreizsysteme, Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen und Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen sowie Pensionsvereinbarungen und nachvertragliche Konkurrenzklauseln berücksichtigt werden.

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Globale Mobilität & Immigration

Die Mitarbeiter von heute sind zunehmend internationaler ausgerichtet. Unternehmen konkurrieren um die talentiertesten Arbeitskräfte auf globaler Ebene. Dabei ist oft die reibungslose Immigration von entscheidender Bedeutung. Unsere Spezialisten bieten Arbeitgebern umfassenden Service bei Immigrationsfragen für Konzernmitarbeiter sowie bei der vorübergehenden oder dauerhaften Entsendung von Führungskräften.

Schon die Erlangung der entsprechenden Genehmigungen kann zeitkritisch und belastend sein. Unsere Experten verfügen über das Fachwissen, um das Risiko vermeidbarer Probleme zu verringern und bieten einen praxis- und lösungsorientierten Zugang zu etwaigen unerwartet auftretenden Themen.

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Moderne Technologien haben das Arbeitsleben radikal verändert. Sie ermöglichen es Unternehmen, Arbeitsabläufe effizienter zu gestalten und erlauben Mitarbeitern größere Flexibilität bei der Durchführung der täglichen Arbeit.

Daten, als Produkt und Werkzeug, sind für viele Unternehmen zu einem der wichtigsten Schlüssel zum Erfolg geworden. Eine digitale Arbeitsumgebung erfordert jedoch Schutz vor Fehlverhalten und Angriffen von außen.

Mit der Umsetzung der DSGVO ist Unternehmen zunehmend bewusst geworden, wie sich Datenschutzfragen auf alle Geschäfts- und Industriezweige auswirken. Aufgrund der hohen Bußgelder, die von den europäischen Gesetzgebern eingeführt wurden, wurde die Einhaltung der Datenschutzstandards zu einem essenziellen Faktor. Die Verletzung der Privatsphäre von Personen oder der Sicherheit ihrer Daten kann nicht nur zu erheblichen Strafzahlungen führen, sondern auch die Marke eines Unternehmens schwer beschädigen.

Wir unterstützen unsere Mandanten in allen Bereichen des arbeitsrechtlichen Datenschutzes sowie des Schutzes der Privatsphäre und beraten Arbeitgeber bei der Implementierung moderner Technologien.

Unsere Leistungen reichen von der Beurteilung aller arbeits- und datenschutzrechtlichen Aspekte über die Erstellung aller erforderlichen Dokumente und Vereinbarungen, wie z.B. die Erstellung von Betriebsvereinbarungen, bis hin zu den Verhandlungen mit dem Betriebsrat.

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Mit der seit 17. Dezember 2021 in Geltung stehenden „Whistleblower Richtlinie“ (RL (EU) 2019/1937), die für alle Unternehmen mit mindestens 50 Arbeitnehmern die Implementierung eines internen Whistleblowing Systems vorsieht, wurden EU-weite Mindeststandards zum Whistleblowing geschaffen. Darüber hinaus wird auch der Schutz von Whistleblowern gewährleistet. Ziel der Whistleblower-RL ist durch vermehrte Meldungen eine höhere Aufklärungsrate von bestimmten Verstößen gegen das EU-Recht zu fördern. Für Unternehmen bietet die Einführung von Whistleblowing Systemen insbesondere die Chance Verstöße frühzeitig zu erkennen, rechtzeitig und angemessen zu reagieren und sowohl materielle Schäden als auch Reputationsschäden abzuwenden.

Wir unterstützen unsere Mandanten als One-Stop-Whistleblowing-Shop von der rechtlichen und technischen Implementierung eines (vorgeschriebenen) Whistleblowing Systems, über die laufende Betreuung des Whistleblowing Systems, wie insbesondere der rechtlichen Beurteilung von eingelangten Meldungen, bis hin zur Ergreifung entsprechender Maßnahmen aufgrund eingelangter Hinweise.

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Edward W. Floyd
Partner - New York
Joseph Johnson
Partner - New York
Hans Georg Laimer
Partner - Wien
Lukas Wieser
Counsel - Wien
Eva-Maria Mayer
Senior Associate - New York
Melina Peer
Senior Associate - Wien
  • Supporting a German producer of skylights with regard to day-to-day employment law matters of its Austrian subsidiary.

  • Assisting a German energy company regarding the employment law aspects of the closure of its Austrian branch.

  • Assisting a Japanese multination electrical engineering and software company with regard to employment law related questions of a restructuring process, including a social plan.

  • Advising an Austrian Gambling Corporation in a personnel restructering process including the negotiations of a social plan and drawing up of a new minimum salary scheme.

  • Assisting an Austrian lottery company in a restructering process including the drafting and negotiation of a social plan.

  • Advising an Austrian manufacturer of vehicle lighting systems and electronic components on employment and industrial relations matters, including working time scheme, shop agreements and employee’s IP rights. Representing the company in court proceedings against employees challenging their employment termination (Austrian courts).

  • Supporting a German manufacturer of optical systems and optoelectronics, in employment law matters including the transfer of employee data and the implementation of a home office scheme due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Assisting an international social networking company regarding employment matters and reviewing its employment contracts in Austria.

  • Supporting a German electronic company with regard to its day-to-day employment matters in its Austrian subsidiary.

  • Supporting a German manufacturer of heating, industrial and refrigeration systems with regard to the employment law aspects of the restructuring of its Austrian subsidiaries.

  • Assisting an international animal welfare organisation with regard to all their Austrian employment law matters.

  • Advising a leading Austrian insurance group in employment law and industrial relations matters in connection with the restructuring of its group companies.

  • Assisting a leading North American sportswear manufacturer regarding employment related aspects of their retail stores in Austria.

  • Representing a Viennese university in a court procedure against a researcher (Austrian courts).

  • Assisting a technology company for asphalt, concrete, earthworks geotechnical and environmental engineering in day-to-day employment law matters, including the redundancy of employees enjoying special protection.

  • Advising a global provider of financial market data and infrastructure in employment law matters with regard to its Austrian subsidiary.

  • Representing an Austrian leading construction and engineering company in the court proceedings against a former consultant claiming damages based on the alleged existence of an employment contract after the consultant contract was terminated (Austrian courts).

  • Assisting a leading Austrian construction company during the COVID-19 pandemic on the full range of employment and industrial relations issues, including interpretation of government relief schemes, facilitating changes of the workforce, drafting and adjustment of home-office arrangements and reductions in force.

  • Assisting a Japanese video game and digital entertainment company in employment matters.

  • Assisting the client, a Japanese manufacturer of data carriers, in employment matters such as its bonus scheme or redundancies.

  • Assisting an Austrian manufacturer of industrial rubber and plastic in employment and industrial relations matters, such as the elections of its European Works Council

  • Assisting a leading operator of digital market places for real estate and automobiles with the solutions for their various day-to-day employment law issues, including drafting of the required contracts and termination agreements for various managers and managing directors.

  • Assisting a German pharmaceutical company with their day-to-day employment matters.

  • Assisting a Swiss pharmaceutical company with regard to all employment law aspects of a transfer of undertaking in Austria.

  • Assisting one of the Europe’s biggest media groups, in employment matters, such as inter-group employment relationship.

  • Assisting a U.S. manufacturer of diagnostic healthcare products in employment law matters such as lately reviewing their employee handbook / code of conduct.

  • Assisting a multinational Finish engineering and consulting firm with regard to the change of the management in its Austrian subsidiary.

  • Supporting a German IT company with regard to employment law matters, such as bonus agreements, changes in the management and the company car treatment.

  • Assisting an accounting inspection body in their day-to-day employment matters.

  • Supporting a leading global human proteins manufacturer (one of our long-standing clients) in every aspect of their employment and industrial relations issues.
    Representing the company in court proceedings against its works council and individual employees regarding the employee’s classification in the company’s overall salary scheme (Austrian courts).
    Representing the company in court proceedings against its works council with regard to the
    potential change of the current working time schedule in the company’s various production lines(special conciliation board at the Austrian courts).

  • Supporting a Swedish climate group with regard to the engagement of a managing director for its Austrian subsidiary.

  • Assisting a multinational plastics company in its day-to-day employment law matters.

  • Assisting a German manufacturer of luxury goods in its day-to-day employment law matters, such as working time or redundancies, in its Austrian boutiques.

  • Assisting the client, a U.S. multinational confectionery, food, holding and beverage company, regarding employment law questions and company pension schemes.

  • Representation of an international cash handling company in the proceedings against company’s former managing director regarding the lawfulness of his employment termination for cause (Austrian employment courts).

  • Assisting a Viennese laboratory with regard to employment law questions including working time schemes under the current COVID situation.

  • Supporting a Finish elevator and escalator engineering company with regard to contractual agreements with members of the board of its Austrian subsidiary.

  • Assisting a global tea and coffee company with regard to all employment and pensions related aspects of an asset deal (TUPE); assisting the client in drafting an asset purchase agreement; adjustments to contracts as well as meeting information and consultation requirements; drafting of information letters to employees and works council.

  • Advising an Austrian fund manufacturer with regard to employment law and industrial relations matters, including shop agreements and employee data protection.

  • Ongoing support of an Austrian advertising company with regard to employment law matters, including amendment of the bonus scheme, the introduction of a flexitime working scheme and the implementation of home office during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Assisting a multinational company in the field of health information and clinical research with the solutions for its various day-to-day employment law issues, including the drafting of the required contracts for its managing directors.

  • Assisting a multinational Dutch chemical trading company with regard to day-to-day employment law questions concerning its Austrian subsidiary.

  • Advising an Austrian advertising company with regard to the redundancy of a long-time employee.

  • Ongoing support of an Austrian traffic engineering and advertising technic group regarding various employment matters, including the introduction of new working time regulations, redundancies and employment law measures during the COVID-19 situation.

  • Assistance of a multinational supplier in printing and packaging industry regarding a change in the management of the Austrian entity. Representation in the court proceedings against client’s former managing director with regard to his company pensions entitlement (Austrian courts).

  • Representation of a multinational Swiss biopharmaceutical company against the claim of former long-time employee that the termination of her employment relationship was unlawful.

  • Assisting a U.S. measurement technology and laser scanning company with regard to the employment of its Austrian sales force.

  • Representation of a UK financial service company against a former employee in the court proceedings on damage claims (Austrian courts).

  • Assisting a Spanish technology consulting company with regard to its employment activities in Austria.

  • Representation of an Austrian pharma company in employment law court procedures against former employees.

  • Supporting a French luxury goods company with regard to transfer of a key employee from Austria to France.

  • Advising a German multinational freight company with regard to the implementation of employee programmes and the statutorily applicable collective bargaining agreement

  • Employment law support of a British auction house with regard to its Austrian subsidiary.

  • Ongoing employment law support of a multinational logistics company, including redundancies and employee data protection.

  • Supporting a catholic relief, development and social service organisation in their employment matters, including representation in the proceedings against chairman of the client’s works council regarding the termination of his employment contract (Austrian courts).

  • Assisting a British luxury fashion company with their day-to-day employment matters.

  • Ongoing employment and industrial relations law support of a multination Swedish business information company, including the amendment of the commission scheme and the establishment of an European Works Council.

  • Assisting an Italian multinational pharmaceutical company in employment law matters, such as the arrangement of home office conditions, the termination of employment relationships and the draft of shop agreements.

  • Ongoing support of a leading Austrian company in the electronics engineering and manufacturing services sector regarding various employment matters, including the drafting of employment and shop agreements, employee data protection and terminations of employment relationships.

  • Ongoing employment law support of the Austrian subsidiary of an international auditing company, including the amendment of the working time scheme, the termination of employment relationship and the representation in court against former employees.

  • Assisting a world leading coatings company (one of our long-standing clients) in all operative day-to-day employment law, industrial relations and pension issues.

  • Assisting a world leading chemical company (one of our long-standing clients) in all operative day-to-day employment, industrial relations and pension issues. Supporting the company in all employment related aspects of a recent M&A deal (TUPE). Advising on timeline for meeting the information and consultation requirements towards the works council and the protection afforded to employees in the course of a transfer of undertakings situation.

  • Representing a manging director of a municipal transport service company on the renewal of his appointment toward the company.

  • Supporting a German franchise company in the self-serving bakery sector with regard to the recall and appointment of the managing directors of its Austria subsidiary.

  • Assisting an Austrian federal development and financing bank regarding day to day employment law questions.

  • Assisting a Croatian consumer goods company with regard to their Austrian employment relationships and the appointment and registration of the managing directors.

  • Assisting a Japanese newspaper regarding their employees in their Austrian office.

  • Supporting a subsidiary of one of the biggest European media groups, with regard to the employment of one of their key employee’s within the group.

  • Assisting a German airline specialized in charter and medical repatriation flights with regard to contractual relationship with their pilots and medical crew.

  • Ongoing support of an Austrian Insurance company in connection with their day-to day employment matters, including: (1) home-office regulations for different circumstances; (2) insurance and working time issues in case of the employee’s absence due to long illness and (3) the intended posting of employee to another EU country, covering advice related to the applicable employment laws and social security provisions.

  • Representation of a member of the board in the insolvency procedure of the stock company.

  • Assisting U.S. multinational medical devices and health care company, with their day-to-day employment matters.

  • Advising a fertility clinic with regard to their day-to-day employment law matters.

  • Supporting an Austrian integrated oil and gas company in every aspect of their employment and industrial relations issues.Representing the company in court proceedings against an employee claiming higher pension entitlements than currently paid out. The case is of utmost importance, as further employees may raise similar claims (Austrian court).
    Assisting the company in the court proceedings against a former contractor regarding the existence of an employment relationship.

  • Advising a catering service company for cruise ships on matters of employment law and industrial relations, including the applicability of Austrian collective bargaining agreement to their employees.

  • Assisting Japanese owned Austrian manufacturer of fine bubble aeration systems in launching their new working time and flexi-time schemes.
    Supporting the client in defending the implementation of a surveillance system against the claims of the works council.

  • Advising an Austrian glass producer with regard to employment and industrial relation law matters including claims under the collective bargaining agreement, employee data protection and the implementation of home office schemes.

  • Supporting a leading German multinational home improvement supplies retailing company in all employment related matters, including assistance in drawing-up a data-protection law compliant HR system and its implementation, in line with the respective requirements under Austrian employment law, for about 3,500 employees in Austria.
    Assisting the company in defending their current working time schemes against claims of numerous employees and the works council for introduction of a 4-day working week, based on the newly introduced collective bargaining agreement.
    Representing the company in court proceedings against one of its former employees claiming re-instatement of her employment based on allegedly socially unfair notice of termination and discriminatory treatment in connection with employment termination (Austrian courts).

  • Assisting a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company with all their day-to-day employment law issues.
    Representing the company against a former employee in a court proceeding (Austrian courts).
    Assisting the company with issues involving parental part time arrangements and works-council members, including the adjustment of their contractual roles within the entity.
    Supporting the company to duly conduct their works council elections in 2020 during the COVID pandemic.

  • Assisting a leading Spanish producer of sanitary ceramics with a strong position in Switzerland and Austria in restructuring their Austrian entity. Advising the company on all employment matters, conducting negotiations with the trade unions and the works council on a social plan, preparation of notices of termination and planning of overall reduction in force.

  • Supporting an insurance company with regard to its pensions schemes offered to employers.

  • Supporting an Austrian group in the feed and food safety with regard to the employment aspects of an acquisition of a further group company.

  • Supporting an Austrian wildlife park, with regard to the recall and appointment of its managing directors.

  • Supporting a nursing home in all their day-to-day employment matters.

  • Supporting a multinational Italian/American car manufacturer and seller (one of our long-standing clients) in all operative day-to-day employment law, industrial relations and pension issues. Providing support, from Austrian employment law perspective, in possible restructuring measures, including potential reduction in force, mergers and shut-downs of certain operations in Austria. Representing the client against employee’s alleged sexual harassment claims.

  • Supporting a global leader for industrial gas in preparing and implementing the intended changes to their management, comprising the required employment and corporate measures and the implementation of the necessary changes to the commercial register.

  • Representing a Dutch manufacturer of printers in a court proceeding against a former employee (Austrian courts).

  • Representing a former board member of an Austrian international gambling company in the negotiations of his separation from the company.

  • Representing a leading Austrian construction company in four parallel court proceedings against company’s former manager inter alia on the issue of wrongful employment termination and claims for overtime payments (Austrian courts; Committee for Disabled Employees).

  • Assisting an Italian multinational pharmaceutical company on the employment law aspects of a transfer of undertaking (TUPE).

  • Assisting a British sports car manufacturer with regard to an employment relationship in Austria.

  • Representing a senior employee of an international mobile communications company in challenging the termination of his employment (Austrian employment courts).

  • Representation of an Austrian building services engineering company in two court procedures initiated by a former employee, challenging the notice of termination due to his status as a disabled person.

  • Supporting a German planning and consulting company with all employment law aspects of the acquisition of an Austrian IT company.

  • Assisting a globally diversified U.S. conglomerate with regard to Austrian employment law issues during an acquisition of a multinational biopharma business with a subsidiary in Austria.

  • Representing a senior employee of an international electronics group with regard to the termination of her employment relationship.

  • Supporting an Italian insurance company with regard to the members of the board of its Austrian subsidiary.

  • Assisting a Japanese sewing machine producer in a restructuring process.

  • Representing a leading Austrian construction and engineering company in proceedings on termination of the employment contract of a manager, who had a status as a disabled employee, eligible for preferential treatment (Committee for Disabled Employees).

  • Assisting a Spanish company in the field of in vitro diagnostics with regard to the employment law aspects of an acquisition in Austria.

  • Representation of a Spanish airline in the court proceedings against an employee challenging his notice of termination (Austrian courts, including Austrian Supreme Court).

  • Assisting a world’s premier manufacturer of musical instruments and professional audio equipment with regard to claims of employees resulting of the applicability of a bonus program and the subsequent changes to the employer’s very bonus program for the future.

  • Supporting U.S. software company with regard to their Austrian employment contracts and redundancies.

  • Representation of a lage Austrian multinational in the proceedings against contractual claims brought by a former manager (EUR 30 million, Austrian state courts and an ad hoc arbitral tribunal).

  • Advising Mexican subsidiary of a major Austrian group in the oil drilling industry on its day-to-day corporate and employment issues, including the drafting and reviewing of master sales agreements that contain provisions stipulating specific timeframes and transportation information for delivery and return of rental equipment, as well as other complex commercial contracts.

  • Supporting a U.S. thermal management company with regard to all employment law matters, such as the application of the transfer of undertaking (TUPE) regime, of the restructuring of its Austrian subsidiaries.

  • Representation European winery against allegations said to sound in breach of contract and unjust enrichment brought by alleged US distributor.

  • Representation of a German manufacturer of modern technological products in court proceedings against an Austrian employee with regard to the cross-border applicability of the protection against termination under Austrian Labour Constitution Act and German law (Austrian courts, including the Austrian Supreme Court).

  • Representation of a German lamp and illuminate manufacturer in court proceedings against an Austrian employee regarding the cross-border applicability of the protection against termination under Austrian Labour Constitution Act (Austrian courts including Austrian Supreme Court).

    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Key Lawyer - Employment (Austria: Tier 4)
      "We very much appreciate our co-operation with Andreas Tinhofer."
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Practice Head - Employment (Austria: Tier 4)
      "Hans Georg Laimer is an excellent lawyer and a walking encyclopedia of employment law."
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Employment (Austria: Tier 4)
      Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich assists clients with a breadth of employment law issues, including those relating to benefits, pensions, industrial relations, and data protection. The team is headed up by Hans Georg Laimer, who regularly represents clients before employment tribunals, conciliation boards and national courts of ever level. Global mobility, immigration and the gig economy are also areas of strength. Litigator Andreas Tinhofer is another key contact. "The team is very hands-on and clear in its communication. It is a pleasure to work with them even on the most complex topics, because not only are they very knowledgeable and competent but they are also very practical."

    Leaders League 2023

    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Labor & Employment: Recommended Individual 2023 (Austria)
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Labor & Employment: Recommended Individual 2023 (Austria)
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Labor & Employment: Recommended Firm 2023 (Austria)

    Chambers Europe 2023

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Employment (Austria: Band 4)
      The law firm Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich covers the full spectrum of employment law, often advising large companies on M&A-related issues, restructurings and social plans as well as termination proceedings. Additionally, the team has capabilities in working time arrangements and workforce transfers. Besides representing companies from sectors including financial services, chemicals and manufacturing, the firm also represents trade associations. "The team replies very quickly to all questions and issues."
    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Employment (Austria: Band 1)
      Andreas Tinhofer remains one of Austria's most sought-after employment law experts, advising on terminations, restructuring-related labour law issues, and working practices as well as bonus payment disputes. He is known for representing clients in high-level employment litigation. His expertise in cross-border employee and business transfers makes him a top choice for internationally active clients.
    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Global Leader - Labour & Employment 2022
      "Andreas is customer-oriented and has excellent commercial understanding", "His approach is fair and respectful", "He has a wide knowledge of case law"
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Thought Leader - Labour & Employment 2022
      Hans Georg Laimer is “a go-to Austrian employment lawyer” for clients, thanks to his “excellent employment practice” and “dedication and knowledge”.

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2022

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Leading Employment Practitioner

    Leaders League 2022

    JUVE 2022

    Chambers Europe 2022

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Employment (Austria: Band 4)
      Fully satisfied, one client appreciates the "sympathetic team that works very well together, is close to the customer and provides very good presentations," further stating: "I look forward to continuing the good cooperation."
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Employment (Austria: Band 3)
      Hans Georg Laimer rises in the rankings following strong market support. He advises on a plethora of employment law issues ranging from government relief schemes and pensions issues to restructurings and M&A-related advice. Additionally, Hans Georg Laimer is also visible in labour law litigation including termination proceedings. One client enthuses: "He summarises the most important topics well and is easily accessible and provides quick feedback. He is also structured, solution-oriented and close to practice. You can tell that he is very experienced in his field."
    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Employment (Austria: Band 1)
      Andreas Tinhofer remains one of Austria's most sought-after employment law experts, advising on terminations, restructuring-related labour law issues and pension claims as well as bonus payment disputes. His expertise in cross-border employee and business transfers makes him a top choice for internationally active clients. One source describes Andreas Tinhofer as a "true expert in employment law," further appreciating him for understanding "how to balance employment law in the business environment, which is just incredibly helpful."

    Best Lawyers 2023

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration & Mediation, Labor & Employment Law, and Litigation
    • Lukas Wieser
      Labor & Employment Law
    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Labor & Employment Law
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Labor & Employment Law

    Best Lawyers 2022

    • Lukas Wieser
      Labour & Employment 2022
    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Labour & Employment 2022
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Labour & Employment 2022
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration & Mediation, Labour & Employment Law, and Litigation 2022
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Employment (Austria: Tier 4)
      "The service the team is delivering is excellent. Even any requests on short notice are sorted with excellent and mature approach.", "Excellent capabilities and reliable partners.", "Very good knowledge of any legal regulations and very good understanding of business."
    • Lukas Wieser
      Key Lawyer - Employment (Austria: Tier 4)
    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Key Lawyer - Employment (Austria: Tier 4)
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Practice Head - Employment (Austria: Tier 4)

    Chambers Europe 2021

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Employment (Austria: Band 4)
    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Employment (Austria: Band 1)

    Best Lawyers 2021

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Labour and Employment Law 2021
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration and Mediation, Labour and Employment Law, and Litigation 2021

    Leaders League 2021

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Recommended Firm - Labor & Employment (Austria)

    JUVE 2021

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Employment (Austria, Tier 4, 2021)

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2021

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Leading Employment Practitioner
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Employment – Leading firm 2020

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2020

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Top 10 Austrian Employment Law Experts 2020

    JUVE 2020

    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Employment Law 2020
      “outstanding reputation”, “excellent”, “very creative, very reliable”

    Handelsblatt 2020

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Arbeitsrecht 2020
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Thought Leader - Labour & Employment 2020
    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Austria: Labour, Employment and Benefits 2020
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Austria: Labour, Employment and Benefits 2020
      Hans Georg Laimer is revered for his “in-depth knowledge of labour law” and his “client-oriented and highly professional approach in and out of court”.
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Austria: Thought Leader in Labour & Employment 2020
      “Hans Georg Laimer is revered for his “in-depth knowledge of labour law” and his “client-oriented and highly professional approach in and out of court”.”

    Chambers Europe 2020

    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Employment: Austria 2020 (Band 1)
      “Sources continue to single out Andreas Tinhofer as a "very well-connected" figure and "an important person in the market," going on to praise his "brilliant brain and huge expertise." An experienced litigator, he also advises on non-contentious employment law mandates, including restructurings and company pensions issues.”
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Employment: Austria 2020 - Band 4
      “He has excellent communication skills and always offers the best advice and service, due to his in-depth knowledge and years of experience," notes an appreciative source.”

    Best Lawyers 2020

    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Austria 2020

    Chambers Europe 2019

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      "Hans Georg Laimer counts a number of prominent companies among his client base and acts in both contentious and non-contentious employment issues, ranging from pensions to disputed terminations. "He is reliable, solution-oriented and helpful,"" reports a satisfied client.”
    • Andreas Tinhofer
      “Andreas Tinhofer maintains an outstanding market reputation for his broad employment practice, which also covers social law mandates. One interviewee notes his ability to conduct negotiations in a diplomatic manner: "He has a phenomenal ability to bring calm into very tough negotiations.“"

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2019

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Top 10 Austrian Employment Law Experts 2019
    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Top 10 ranking in the category “Employment Law”

    JUVE 2019

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Arbeitsrecht - Renommierte Kanzlei 2018/2019

    Handelsblatt 2019

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Arbeitsrecht 2019
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      "The "fantastic" Hans Georg Laimer is a labour and employment law specialist with a leading expertise in industrial relations matters."

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2018

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Top 10 Austrian Employment Law Experts 2018

    JUVE 2018

    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Recommended - “Employment Law” for Austria

    Chambers Europe 2017

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Leading Individual 2017 (Band 4, Employment)
      "Hans Georg Laimer has a lot of integrity, he is very exact, he doesn't mess around and he is very solution-oriented."
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Employment – Leading firm 2017 (Austria, Band 4)

    Chambers Europe 2014

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      "Clients praise Hans Georg Laimer's employment and data protection law capabilities. Market commentators describe him as "an excellent legal adviser.""
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      "Hans Laimer is diligent, knowledgeable and practical."

    Chambers Europe 2024

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Employment (Austria: Band 3)
      Hans Georg Laimer advises on a plethora of employment law issues ranging from works council agreements and pensions issues to restructurings and M&A-related advice. He is also visible in labour law litigation including termination proceedings. "Hans Georg Laimer provided excellent cooperation." "What he delivers is really good."
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Employment (Austria: Band 3)
      The law firm Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich advances in the rankings this year with a practice that covers the full spectrum of employment law, often advising large companies on M&A-related issues, restructurings and social plans, as well as termination proceedings. Additionally, the team has capabilities in working time arrangements, non-compete clauses and workforce transfers. Besides representing companies from sectors including energy, chemicals and manufacturing, the law firm also represents trade associations. "We always have competent employees at our disposal." "The team is always available." "We had to find a solution and the team was good to work with."

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2023

    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Leading Employment Law Practitioner

    Handelsblatt 2022

    Best Lawyers 2024

    • Lukas Wieser
      Labor & Employment Law
    • Andreas Tinhofer
      Labor & Employment Law
    • Hans Georg Laimer
      Labor & Employment Law
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration & Mediation, Labour & Employment Law, and Litigation

    Handelsblatt 2023

    • Hans Georg Laimer
    • Lukas Wieser
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbeitsrecht | Konfliktlösung | Schiedsverfahren, Streitbeilegung, Mediation
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Employment (Austria: Tier 4)
      Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich‘s areas of expertise include pension and benefits, executive contracts, and employee data protection. Practice head Hans Georg Laimer maintains close relationships with clients in an array of sectors, including manufacturing, health care, and gaming [...]. Lukas Wieser specialises in litigation regarding employment termination, discrimination and harassment claims. "The collaboration is very efficient and professional. We get accurate responses in due time as well as professional advice on all kinds of employment law matters." "Pragmatic, practical support for a complicated employee relations issue." "Lukas Wieser was attentive, responsive and clear in the advice provided."