Unser Schiedsrechtsteam hat in den letzten dreißig Jahren eine der führenden Schiedsrechtspraxen der Region aufgebaut und unseren exzellenten Ruf als eine führende Kanzlei in der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit stetig ausgebaut. Das Internationale Schiedsrechtsteam von Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich vereint nunmehr Experten in Kontinentaleuropa, London und den USA, und zählt damit zu den internationalen Powerhouses der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit. Die herausragenden Leistungen unseres Teams werden nun schon über viele Jahre hinweg regelmäßig in einer Vielzahl von Publikationen ausgezeichnet. Am wichtigsten dabei ist, dass diese laufende Anerkennung gerade auch die Zufriedenheit unserer Mandanten mit der hohen Qualität unserer Arbeit widerspiegelt.

Unsere Partner und Juristen genießen für ihre Tätigkeit als Parteienvertreter in Schiedsverfahren und als Schiedsrichter internationales Ansehen. Zusammen waren sie an über 500 Schiedsverfahren beteiligt und sind mit den geschriebenen und ungeschriebenen Regeln ihres Faches bestens vertraut. Unsere Arbeit vereint die höchsten Standards internationaler Advokatur mit einer strategischen Herangehensweise, Business Sense und einem ergebnisorientierten Ansatz.

Unsere Branchenkenntnis, insbesondere unsere umfassende Expertise im Bereich des Energiewirtschafts-, Schifffahrts-, Bauwirtschafts-, Commodities– und Versicherungssektors, zeichnet uns aus. Wir wissen um die Besonderheiten der Streitlösung in diesen Sektoren und verhelfen unseren Mandanten regelmäßig zu optimalen Ergebnissen. Auch auf unsere Erfolgsbilanz bei der Lösung von Post-M&A- und gesellschaftsrechtlichen Streitigkeiten sind wir stolz. Streitigkeiten im Bereich des geistigen Eigentums und des Wettbewerbsrechts sind bei uns ebenfalls bestens aufgehoben.

Internationale Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Die internationale Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit bildet den Kern unserer Schiedsgerichtspraxis. Unsere Juristen arbeiten auf höchstem internationalen Niveau, sind für ihre herausragende Praxis ebenso anerkannt wie für ihre akademischen Leistungen. Wir kennen alle Ecken und Kanten des Schiedsverfahrensrechts.

Jede Streitigkeit ist einzigartig. Egal ob hochkomplex oder ein scheinbarer Standardfall – die Lösung Ihrer Streitigkeit erhält unser volles Engagement und ist bei uns in besten Händen.

Unsere Juristen vertreten regelmäßig in Handelsschiedsverfahren nach allen wichtigen Schiedsregeln (z.B. nach den Regeln der ICC, AAA, LCIA, UNCITRAL, VIAC, DIS, SCC, SCAI, LMAA, SMA, GAFTA, FOSFA, SIAC, MCCI, CIETAC, HKIAC und ACICA) sowie in ad-hoc-Verfahren. Unsere Partner sind auch regelmäßig als Schiedsrichter tätig, so etwa nach den Regeln der ICC, VIAC, SCAI, SCC, LCIA und DIS sowie in ad-hoc-Verfahren. Dieser laufende Perspektivenwechsel zwischen Parteienvertretung und schiedsrichterlicher Entscheidungstätigkeit stärkt unsere Beratungspraxis entscheidend.

Unsere Erfahrung umfasst Schiedsgerichtsverfahren mit Sitz in London, Paris, New York, Singapur, Wien, Den Haag, Doha, Zürich, München, Bukarest, Moskau und vielen mehr. Unser Team vereint umfassende Kenntnisse sowohl des Common Law und Civil Law, als auch des Völkerrechts, und hat Streitigkeiten nach einer Vielzahl von anwendbaren materiellen Rechtsordnungen und – regeln erfolgreich begleitet.

In der oftmals entscheidenden Phase der Schiedsrichterauswahl profitieren unsere Mandanten von unserer fundierten Marktkenntnis und umfassenden persönlichen Erfahrung. Auch unser Wissen über die inneren Abläufe der wichtigsten Schiedsinstitutionen verschafft unseren Mandanten oftmals einen strategischen Vorteil.

Jedes Schiedsverfahren ist einzigartig. Unsere Mandanten schätzen die stets gründliche Aufbereitung von Sachverhalten und Rechtsfragen in jedem einzelnen Fall und unsere strategische Umsicht und Kreativität bei der Entwicklung individueller Fallstrategien. Bei der Fallvorbereitung und -präsentation verbinden wir unser außergewöhnliches anwaltliches Know-how mit dem effizienten Einsatz moderner Technologie.

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Investitionsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit & Investitionsschutz

Unser Team hat eine umfangreiche Investitionsschiedsgerichtspraxis in Mittel- und Osteuropa (und darüber hinaus) aufgebaut. Unsere Juristen waren und sind derzeit an hochrangigen Streitigkeiten zwischen Investoren und Staaten beteiligt. Darüber hinaus genießt unser Team die einzigartige Unterstützung des Doyens der Investitionsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Prof. Christoph Schreuer, der als Of Counsel für Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich tätig ist.

Unsere Juristen beraten sowohl Staaten als auch Investoren in allen Investitionsschutzfragen im Rahmen bilateraler und multilateraler Investitionsverträge. Unsere Erfahrung umfasst Schiedsverfahren im Rahmen der ICSID-Konvention, einschließlich der Additional Facility Rules, der SCC Rules und der UNCITRAL Rules.

Unser Leistungsspektrum reicht von der allgemeinen Beratung zum völkerrechtlichen Investitionsschutz über die rechtliche Beurteilung von Ansprüchen und Streitigkeiten in der pre-trial Phase bis hin zur erfolgreichen Vertretung von Mandanten vor internationalen Tribunalen. Wir unterstützen unsere Mandanten auch bei der internationalen Vollstreckung von Investitionsschiedssprüchen.

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Unsere Juristen unterstützen regelmäßig in Aufhebungsverfahren und anderen Rechtsstreitigkeiten mit Bezug zum Schiedsverfahrensrecht. Wir haben zahlreiche Schiedssprüche erfolgreich angefochten sowie verteidigt, unter anderem vor den Gerichten von England und Wales, verschiedenen Federal und State Courts in den USA sowie vor dem österreichischen Obersten Gerichtshof. Unsere langjährige Erfahrung ermöglicht es uns, die Erfolgsaussichten einer möglichen Anfechtungsklage realistisch einzuschätzen und dadurch nach Erlass des Schiedsspruchs zuverlässige strategische Beratung zu bieten.

Wir unterstützen unsere Mandanten auch bei der Ablehnung von Schiedsrichtern – eine Entscheidung, die niemals leichtfertig getroffen werden sollte, sich jedoch in Ausnahmefällen mitunter als unvermeidlich erweist.

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Vollstreckung von Schiedssprüchen und Asset Recovery

Wir unterstützen unsere Mandanten regelmäßig bei der internationalen Vollstreckung von Schiedssprüchen. Unsere Juristen sind regelmäßig mit der Anerkennung und Vollstreckung ausländischer Schiedssprüche in Österreich, England und den USA betraut und koordinieren auch Vollstreckungsverfahren in anderen Teilen der Welt.

Ist ein Schiedsspruch erst einmal erstritten, so folgt auf diesen einen Teil mitunter ein „Vollstreckungs-Epilog“, der langwieriger sein kann als die Erlangung des vollstreckbaren Titels selbst. Wir begleiten unsere Mandanten dabei professionell und ergebnisorientiert, unabhängig davon, ob sie Vollstreckung begehren oder sich dagegen wehren. Neben der eigentlichen Verfahrensführung widmen wir uns auch der Auffindung und Sicherstellung materieller und immaterieller Vermögenswerte.

Selbstverständlich unterstützen wir Sie auch bei der Vollstreckung ausländischer oder nationaler staatlicher Gerichtsurteile.

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Nationales Schiedsverfahren

Der Schwerpunkt unserer Tätigkeit liegt sicherlich auf der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit. Darüber hinaus vertreten wir aber auch in nationalen Schiedsverfahren mit Sitz in Wien (häufig als ad-hoc-Verfahren, oder aber nach regionalen und nationalen institutionellen Regeln), New York und London.

Vor allem für komplexe innerstaatliche Vertragsbeziehungen oder wo Vertraulichkeit von zentraler Bedeutung ist, bietet ein nationales Schiedsverfahren oftmals eine gute Alternative zur staatlichen Gerichtsbarkeit. Unsere Juristen profitieren bei der Führung nationaler Schiedsverfahren von ihren weitreichenden Kenntnissen der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, einerseits, sowie der nationalen Gerichtspraxis in Österreich, den USA und England, andererseits. Unser Team ist auch für arbeitsrechtliche Schiedsverfahren bestens aufgestellt.

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Lisa Beisteiner
Partner - Wien
Calum Cheyne
Partner - London
Edward W. Floyd
Partner - New York
Joe Gosden
Partner - London
Joseph Johnson
Partner - New York
Alfred Siwy
Partner - London, Wien
Damon Thompson
Partner - London
Jonathan Webb
Partner - London
Jody Wood
Partner - London
Luke Zadkovich
Partner - London, New York, Sydney
Gerold Zeiler
Partner - New York, Wien
Christoph Schreuer
Of Counsel - Wien
Miguel Caballero
Senior Associate - London
Ondrej Cech
Senior Associate - Wien
Thomas Herbst
Senior Associate - Wien
Eva-Maria Mayer
Senior Associate - New York
Philip Vagin
Senior Associate - London
Mitchell Beebe
Associate - London
Anastasiia Demidova
Associate - London
Wafeek Elafifi
Associate - Chicago
Leo Rees-Murphy
Associate - London
Harrison Smith
Associate - London
Lucy Noble
Associate - London
Karen Tsang
Associate - London
Poppy Watson
Barrister - London
Jakob Reckhenrich
Barrister - London
Jennifer Holdway
Trainee Solicitor - London
Augusto Garcia Sanjur
Associate - London
Layesh Premraj
Trainee Solicitor - London
Alexandra Kutschera
Junior Associate - Wien
Christian Weisgram
Junior Associate - Wien
Jakub Mikulski
Paralegal - London
  • Negotiation of a settlement agreement with Austrian seated multinational technology company for its Korean business partner (avoiding ICC proceedings).

  • Representation of a Southern European automobile entity in arbitral proceedings against an Eastern European entity regarding an import agreement of automotive vehicles (EUR 30 million, VIAC).

  • Representation of a world leading Austro-Canadian automotive contract manufacturer in a dispute regarding the conception of a new automobile for a Chinese car manufacturer (EUR 3 million, SCAI).

  • Representation of a global energy major in arbitral proceedings against a Western European energy company regarding the amendment of a gas supply contract in Eastern Europe (EUR 316 million, ICC).

  • Representation of an Eastern European state in two investment arbitrations against UK investors in the automobile accessories industry (EUR 30 million, SCC).

  • Assessing criminal and civil options, and coordinating an asset seizure search and attach strategy in Mexico for a major case for shipowners pursuing a Chinese mining conglomerate in Mexico. The underlying case involved allegations of cartel cooperation and fraudulent dissipation of assets (USD 2.5 million).

  • Representation of a Central European state owned energy companies in arbitration proceedings regarding a joint-venture for building and operation of a coal power plant (EUR 60 million, ICC).

  • Representation of a foreign investors in an investment arbitration against an Eastern European state regarding investments in the food production industry (EUR 80 million, ICSID).

  • Representation of a major European insurance group in arbitral proceedings against a major American insurance group regarding reinsurance claims arising from a global insurance programme (EUR 8 million, VIAC).

  • Representation of a Southern European state in an investment arbitration against a Slovenian investor regarding the privatisation of a power plant (EUR 720 million, ICSID).

  • Representation of a global industrial company regarding claims in connection with the construction of a powerplant in Austria (EUR 15 million, ICC Dispute Board).

  • Pursued a claim for major US commodities trading house for damages in respect of late delivery / unseaworthiness against vessel owners in LMAA arbitration proceedings. Also handled negotiations with Mediterranean receivers. Brought related actions in Texas and Turkey for discovery and vessel arrest against the owners.

  • Commenced ad hoc London arbitration proceedings for an Italian coal trader claiming wrongful arrest in respect of a time charterparty. Involved complex conflict of laws questions.

  • Representation of a Southern European logistics company in Vienna-seated arbitration proceedings and settlement negotiations against a German service provider (VIAC).

  • Providing pre-arbitral advise (ICC).

  • Representatin of a major Korean shipyard in arbitral proceedings against a Dutch shipbuilding conglomerate regarding a share purchase agreement (ICC).

  • Representation of a large Austrian multinational in five interrelated arbitration proceedings regarding the validity of various strategic corporate decisions (EUR 40 million, ad hoc arbitration).

  • Representation of a Greek investor and Seychelles-based company in arbitral proceedings against Western European entities regarding the sale and purchase of an Eastern European subsidiary (EUR 14 million, ICC).

  • Assessing the laws on lifting the corporate veil on companies in Mexico for a major shipping demurrage case, where the underlying cargo interests were not in a position to accept delivery and the vessel carrying crude ended up waiting for months before discharge could occur (USD 3+ million).

  • Representation of a South-Eastern European companies in a dispute regarding the construction of a power plant against an insolvent claimant (EUR 73 million, ICC).

  • Representation of two subsidiaries of a global packaging and pager company in an arbitration proceeding against a Czech chemical supplier (EUR 2.4 million, VIAC).

  • Advised a major international trading house (Singaporean plc), in respect of a cargo claim against vessel owners. Travelled to Lagos and Port Harcourt, Nigeria, to take evidence from our trading clients, surveyors, port terminal operators and harbour masters. In the arbitration proceedings, the Owners counter-claimed for wrongful arrest in Nigeria / breach of London arbitration agreement.

  • Acted on an ad hoc arbitration claim for international London-based trading house, specialising in steel and metals trade, against an Italian receiver for liability under UK COGSA for quality issues.

  • Representation of major international LNG supplier and charterer on their position in respect of a multi-million dollar off-hire claim. The dispute turned on bespoke off-hire wording and complex legal questions in LCIA arbitration.

  • Representation of a Central Asian beverages producer in arbitral proceedings against a Central European manufacturer regarding damages for defective deliveries (EUR 1 million, VIAC).

  • Representation of a South European plant-engineering manufacturer in a challenge proceedings against all three arbitrators of a previous arbitration proceeding (EUR 3 million, Austrian Supreme Court).

  • Representation of an US entity in Czech-centred post M&A and fraud case (EUR 10 million, ICC ).

  • Representation of a Central European state in an investment arbitration under the UNCITRAL Rules against a German natural person claiming violation of his/her rights by a court decision on squeeze-out (USD 100 million, PCA).

  • Representation of a Central Asian state in an investment arbitration against a foreign investor active in the mining industry (Moscow Chamber of Commerce, USD 118 million).

  • Representation of a global leader in packaging and paper in a post M&A dispute regarding the purchase of an Asian company ( EUR 70 million, ICC/Singapore).

  • Representation of an Austrian construction company in arbitral proceedings against a large European engineering and construction group regarding damage claims arising from the construction of an industrial plant (EUR 15 million, ICC).

  • Representation of a major global oil & gas company in arbitral and court proceedings against a Western European gas pipeline operator regarding European competition law matters (EUR 70 million, ICC, Austrian energy regulator, Austrian Administrative Court).

  • Representation of an Eastern European state in an investment arbitration against a UK company in the health care sector (EUR 30 million, UNCITRAL).

  • Acted for a Norwegian chartering company in four separate arbitrations/charters.  Issues include failure to nominate, coercion to pay outstanding demurrage, failure to pass on money received from sub-charterers and receipt of fund by agents for principals. There were separate Norwegian proceedings for security.

  • Advised a major Polish chemical company, as charterers, in relation to an LMAA arbitration claim brought by the Owners for demurrage and other outstandings.

  • Representation of an Austrian subsidiary of a major European construction company in arbitral proceedings against an Eastern European energy company regarding penalty and warranty claims arising from the construction of a hydroelectric power plant (EUR 3 million, VIAC).

  • Representation of a Southern European state in an investment arbitration against a Western European foreign investor in the steel sector (EUR 72 million, ICSID).

  • Representation of a Turkish construction company in the enforcement of a European arbitral award (EUR 2 million, Austrian court).

  • Representation of global energy major in an LMAA arbitration in a long-term charterparty dispute for a LNG carrier.

  • Representation of major soft commodity trading company in English High Court proceedings, alleging false representation and deceit against a Russian commodity trader.  Matter also involved worldwide freezing orders, underlying GAFTA arbitration proceedings in London, English enforcement proceedings and Russian enforcement proceedings; obtained a full judgment and London arbitral award.

  • Representation of Eastern European state in the Southern District of New York regarding enforcement proceedings arising from an UNCITRAL arbitral award. Successfully obtained attachment of funds deposited with arbitral body.

  • Defended an ICC arbitration claim for our Egyptian trader clients, as sellers, for short shipment under a sale and purchase contract.

  • Representation of a lage Austrian multinational in the proceedings against contractual claims brought by a former manager (EUR 30 million, Austrian state courts and an ad hoc arbitral tribunal).

  • Representation of a Southern European gas trader in arbitral proceedings against a Central European multinational regarding the revision of gas storage contracts (EUR 15 million, ad hoc arbitration/Leipzig, Germany).

  • Representation of an European industry holding company in arbitral proceedings against an Asian industrial group regarding indemnity and warranty claims following an M&A transaction in the paint and coatings industry (EUR 7 million, ICC).

  • Representation of a German energy major in contract adjustment proceedings against a Western European incumbent regarding gas transit agreements and related competition law questions (EUR 120 million, VIAC).

  • Representation of an Eastern European state in an investment arbitration against a Dutch investor in the commodity trading sector (EUR 120 million, PCA).

  • Representation of a Southern European state in an investment arbitration against EGS regarding the privatisation of a power plant (EUR 72 million, ICSID).

  • Advised shipowner clients and its P&I Club on a cargo misdelivery claim and associated indemnity action.  The bill holders’ claim was subject to LMAA arbitration proceedings and the indemnity proceedings were before the English High Court.  Our client obtained freezing orders against the commodities trader in England, enforced those in Switzerland and Rule B attachments against the indemnifying party in the US, having defended a sister-ship arrest in Morocco and related proceedings in Dakar.

  • Representation of a German party in arbitral proceedings against a Belarusian entity related to food packing machines (VIAC).

  • Representation of a Singaporean shipping company with its main seat of business in London in enforcement and recognition of foreign award proceedings (USD 5.7 million, Mexican courts).

  • Representation of a North American OEM-supplier in arbitration proceedings against Central European integrator in the aerospace industry (USD 11 million, VIAC).

  • Representation of an Eastern European company in arbitral proceedings against an Eastern European municipality (USD 25 million, ICC).

  • Advised a large US commodities trader in an arbitration claim for overpaid hire and bunkers on a time charterparty. This involved insolvency proceedings in Greece and various actions for security.

  • Representation of a market-leading, global consumer goods manufacturer and retailer against a Central European supplier regarding damages for breach of contract (EUR 5 million, ICC).

  • Representation of an European oil&gas incumbent in a post-M&A dispute regarding the sale of a network of petrol stations against a Central European energy incumbent (EUR 4 million, ICC).

  • Representation of an Eastern European engineering and construction company in the field of industrial construction in arbitral proceedings against Western European Romanian nationals related to a share purchase agreement (EUR 7 million, VIAC).

  • Representation of a Western European industrial gas company in the court proceedings regarding damages caused by a defective CO² distribution system (Austrian state courts).

    Leaders League 2023

    • Lisa Beisteiner
      International Arbitration: Leading Individual 2023 (Austria)
    • Gerold Zeiler
      International Arbitration: Leading Individual 2023 (Austria)
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      International Arbitration: Leading Firm 2023 (Austria)

    GAR 100 - 16th Edition (2023)

    Chambers Global 2023

    • Alfred Siwy
      Global Leader - Arbitration 2022
      "Alfred is very knowledgeable and sharp", "He is highly regarded for his leading arbitration skills", "It is a real pleasure working with him"
    • Friederike Schäfer
      Global Leader - Arbitration 2022
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Thought Leader - Arbitration 2022
      "He is the undisputed number one arbitrator", "Gerold is an excellent arbitrator and counsel", "He has built an impressive practice in investor-state arbitrations", "He is highly experienced and highly regarded"
    • Christoph Schreuer
      Thought Leader - Arbitration 2022
      "I highly recommend Christoph", "He is the go-to Austrian investor-state arbitration expert"
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Thought Leader - Arbitration 2022
      "Lisa is probably the best young arbitrator in Austria", "She is procedurally excellent", "She is a very effective practitioner", "She is a real star for arbitration"
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Austria: Arbitration 2022
      "Lisa is probably the best young arbitrator in Austria" "She is procedurally excellent" "She is a very effective practitioner" "She is a real star for arbitration"
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Austria: Arbitration 2022
      "He is the undisputed number one arbitrator" "Gerold is an excellent arbitrator and counsel" "He has built an impressive practice in investor-state arbitrations" "He is highly experienced and highly regarded"
    • Christoph Schreuer
      Austria: Arbitration 2022
      "I highly recommend Christoph" "He is the go-to Austrian investor-state arbitration expert"
    • Alfred Siwy
      Austria: Arbitration 2022
      "Alfred is very knowledgeable and sharp" "He is highly regarded for his leading arbitration skills" "It is a real pleasure working with him"

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2022

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Top Arbitration and Litigation Practitioner
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Hall of Fame - Arbitration and Mediation
      "Very strong international arbitration focus; some excellent partners primarily Lisa Beisteiner and Gerold Zeiler.", "Lisa Beisteiner and Gerold Zeiler are one of the best dispute lawyers you will find."
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Next Generation Partner - Arbitration and Mediation
      "Very strong international arbitration focus; some excellent partners primarily Lisa Beisteiner and Gerold Zeiler.", "Lisa Beisteiner and Gerold Zeiler are one of the best dispute lawyers you will find."
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Arbitration and Mediation (Austria: Tier 1)
      "Very strong international arbitration focus; some excellent partners primarily Lisa Beisteiner and Gerold Zeiler.", "Lisa Beisteiner and Gerold Zeiler are one of the best dispute lawyers you will find.", "Outstanding in energy arbitrations with a group of dedicated individuals. They build the strongest possible case for their clients by working with selected industry experts and take their advice very seriously."

    Leaders League 2022

    JUVE 2022

    GAR 100 - 15th Edition (2022)

    GAR 100 - 14th Edition (2021)

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Selected Firm (2021)

    Chambers Global 2022

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      International & Cross-Border Disputes (Austria: Band 3)
      The team in Vienna provides clients with expertise in disputes, with practitioners experienced in international arbitration and cross-border litigation. The group is particularly well regarded for its arbitration capabilities and is often instructed on cases spanning CEE, across various industry sectors. The team is well-versed in working with both Austrian and foreign multinationals.
    • Alfred Siwy
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (Austria: Band 4)
      Alfred Siwy is best known for his work in investment arbitration, representing sovereign states in the CEE region.
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (Austria: Band 3)
      Lisa Beisteiner represents commercial companies and sovereign states in investment and commercial arbitration, often relating to the energy and construction sectors. "Lisa is very thorough in preparing arguments, going through details, identifying the key points, delivering and presenting the case to the arbitrator," a source says.
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (Austria: Band 1)
      Gerold Zeiler is an outstanding lawyer in the Austrian arbitration scene. He is highly recognised for his work as arbitration counsel and as arbitrator. He represents clients in a range of areas including corporate, construction and investment disputes. "He has so much experience that he can get to the point of cases within minutes, be that from a legal or economic perspective," a source admires. "Zeiler is someone who is very practical," a client adds.

    Chambers Europe 2022

    Best Lawyers 2023

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration & Mediation, Labor & Employment Law, and Litigation
    • Alfred Siwy
      Arbitration & Mediation

    Best Lawyers 2022

    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Arbitration & Mediation 2022
    • Alfred Siwy
      Arbitration & Mediation 2022
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration & Mediation, Labour & Employment Law, and Litigation 2022
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Leading Individual - Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Mediation
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Next Generation Partner - Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Mediation
    • Alfred Siwy
      Next Generation Partner - Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Mediation
      "Alfred Siwy with whom we work very frequently is an exceptional lawyer who has an ability to see the core of the dispute, his arguments are always very well thought through and structured. He is always on time and his advice is always very rational and practical. He knows how to present the case to the tribunal and has great advocacy skills."
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Mediation (Austria: Tier 1)
      "The international arbitration team of Zeiler is unique in a way that it can provide superb services but in a more cost-efficient manner, because they operate as a boutique law firm and the services are provided by a smaller team composed of one partner and one or two other lawyers that dedicate their time to the client’s case.", "The practice is very efficient; allocates its resources to the needs of the case, they tend to work in smaller teams which significantly reduces the amounts billed to the client."
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration Powerlist 2021: Central and Eastern Europe

    Chambers Global 2021

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators (Austria)
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (Austria: Band 1)
      “Gerold Zeiler has extensive expertise in investment arbitration and proceedings in the energy and construction sectors. He is further recognised as a longstanding arbitrator, with sources endorsing him: ‘he is definitely on top of the field, both as arbitrator and arbitration counsel’.”
    • Alfred Siwy
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (Austria: Band 4)
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (Austria: Band 3)
      "Lisa Beisteiner is referred to by interviewees as being "extremely bright. ‘Her practice covers investment, contract and transactional arbitration’.”
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      International & Cross-Border Disputes (Austria: Band 3)
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Dispute Resolution (Austria: Band 2)
      “Dynamic disputes boutique predominantly active in the arbitration sphere, acting on significant cross-border matters, most notably in the CEE and SEE regions. Noted for its involvement in energy investment arbitrations, with further strength in insurance and construction-related disputes. Additional know-how in the transactional realm. Clients stem from a range of industries including retail, construction and manufacturing."

    Chambers Europe 2021

    • Alfred Siwy
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (Austria: Band 4)
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (Austria: Band 3)
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators (Austria)
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (Austria: Band 1)

    Best Lawyers 2021

    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Arbitration and Mediation 2021
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration and Mediation, Labour and Employment Law, and Litigation 2021

    Leaders League 2021

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Leading Firm - Dispute Resolution: International Arbitration (Austria)

    Expert Guides 2021

    JUVE 2021

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Arbitration and Mediation (Austria, Tier 1, 2021)

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2021

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Top Arbitration and Litigation Practitioner (#1)
    • Alfred Siwy
      Austria: Arbitrators and Counsel (2021)
      "One of the stars of the younger generation" "An experienced practitioner, in particular in investor-state disputes" "He is deeply knowledgeable and absolutely terrific" "A superb counsel"
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Austria: Arbitrators and Counsel (2021)
      "Her opening statement in a recent arbitration impressed me very much" "I highly recommend Lisa, she is a brilliant speaker, lawyer and advocate" "She is one of the best young arbitrators I know"
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Austria: Arbitrators and Counsel (2021)
      "One of the top counsel and arbitrators of his generation" "Praised as the number one in Austria" "He has a wise and balanced approach as an arbitrator" "Gerold is highly experienced, well respected and can manage complex cases effectively" "An excellent chairman - well prepared, efficient and a pleasure to work with in an arbitral tribunal"
    • Christoph Schreuer
      Austria: Arbitrators and Counsel (2021)
      "He is probably the world's leading expert on investment arbitration" "Christoph is in his own league in investment cases" "There are few who can compare to him when it comes to his knowledge of investment treaty arbitration" "A force as an arbitrator in investment arbitrations"
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Dispute Resolution - Arbitration and Mediation – Top tier firm 2020, Leading firm 2020

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2020

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Top 1 der Prozess- und Schiedsrechtsexperten 2020

    Leaders League 2020

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Leading firm 2020 - Dispute resolution - International Arbitration
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Austria: Arbitration 2020
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Austria: Thought Leader in Arbitration 2020
      “Gerold Zeiler is a key name in the market who is lauded by sources as 'one of the top counsel and arbitrators of his generation'.”
    • Alfred Siwy
      Austria: Thought Leader in Arbitration 2020
      "Alfred Siwy "is identified as a "superb counsel" who is "easy to work with" and has "a sharp mind". His expertise lies in commercial and corporate disputes in the competition and consumer protection fields."
    • Christoph Schreuer
      Austria: Arbitration 2020
    • Christoph Schreuer
      Austria: Thought Leader in Arbitration 2020
      "Christoph Schreuer receives extensive praise from peers as 'probably the world's leading expert on investment arbitration' and 'in his own league in investment cases'."
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Austria: Arbitration 2020

    GAR 100 – Global Arbitration Review 2020

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Selected as a GAR 100 Firm

    Chambers Global & Chambers Europe 2020

    • Alfred Siwy
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration 2020 - Band 4
      "The 'impressive' Alfred Siwy is focused on cross-border investment arbitration, as well as handling competition-related claims. He acts for both multinational companies and government bodies."
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration 2020 - Band 3
      "Lisa Beisteiner represents clients from the energy, retail and telecommunications sectors on corporate and commercial arbitration."
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Dispute Resolution in Austria 2020 - Band 2
      "What the team is known for: Dynamic disputes boutique predominantly active in the arbitration sphere, acting on significant cross-border matters, most notably in the CEE region. Noted for its involvement in investment arbitrations relating to energy, with further strength in insurance and construction-related disputes. Clients stem from a range of industries including retail, engineering and manufacturing."
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Dispute Resolution: Arbitration 2020 - Band 1; Dispute resolution: Most in demand arbitrator - Band 1
      "Gerold Zeiler is'very impressive and very good with clients,' according to one source. He is active on energy-related disputes involving investments and competition issues, with additional strength in insurance mandates."

    Benchmark Litigation 2020

    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Dispute Resolution Star (Commercial Arbitration, Energy and Natural Resources, International Arbitration)
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Dispute Resolution Star (Commercial Arbitration, International Arbitration )

    JUVE 2019

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Konfliktlösung - Schiedsverfahren und Mediation (Österreich, tier 1, 2019)

    Handelsblatt 2019

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Schiedsverfahren, Streitbeilegung, Mediation, Konfliktlösung 2019

    LMG Expert Guides 2019

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Recommended Expert: Commercial Arbitration 2019 – Best of the Best
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Recommended Expert: Commercial Arbitration 2019
    • Alfred Siwy
      Recommended Expert: Commercial Arbitration 2019
    • Christoph Schreuer
      "Christoph Schreuer is "in his own league" according to respondents to our research and is lauded as "the last word in ICSID arbitration"."

    Chambers Global 2019

    • Alfred Siwy
      Up and Coming 2019
      "Entering the rankings this year, Alfred Siwy attains a significant level of market recognition for his investment arbitration practice."
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Leading Individual 2019 (Band 1)
      "Gerold Zeiler remains a top-flight practitioner in the arbitration sphere handling investment and commercial cases, most notably in the energy sector." "He is especially intelligent, I would describe him as one of the grands-seigneurs of the arbitration scene in Austria."
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Most in demand arbitrator 2019 (Band1)

    Leaders League 2019

    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Excellent in the category "Litigation & arbitration - International arbitration"

    Chambers Global 2018

    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Leading Individual 2018 (Band 3, Dispute resolution)
      "Lisa Beisteiner advances in the rankings this year as a result of highly positive market feedback and taking a key role in the firm's instructions. "I think she is one of the rising superstars in arbitration in Austria," a client says, and praises her as "highly analytical: getting very deep into the facts and circumstances." Another client notes her impressive working speed."
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Most in demand arbitrator 2018 (Band1)
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Leading Individual 2018 (Band 1)
      "Gerold Zeiler is recognised as one of the most prominent names in the field of arbitration, where he excels as both counsel and arbitrator. In addition to his outstanding expertise, a client also notes his ""great business acumen,"" adding that he is ""sharp and comes straight to the point in a few minutes.""
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Dispute Resolution – Leading firm 2018 (Austria, Band 2)
    • Alfred Siwy
      "The “excellent“ Alfred Siwy receives plaudits for his “sharp intellect“ and extensive experience acting as counsel in international commercial and investment arbitration."
    • Gerold Zeiler
      "Gerold Zeiler is ”a professional and efficient arbitrator” who receives acclaim for his ”extensive experience”."
    • Christoph Schreuer
      "Christoph Schreuer is widely recognised as “the leading authority on investment arbitration”."Christoph Schreuer comes highly recommended for his "immense experience"of investment cases."

    Client Choice Award 2018

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Client Choice Award 2018 für Arbitration und ADR in Österreich

    Chambers Global 2017

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Most in demand arbitrator (Band1)
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Leading Individual 2017 (Band 4, Dispute resolution)

    Chambers Europe 2017

    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Leading Individual 2017 (Band 4, Dispute resolution)
      "Lisa Beisteiner represents energy clients as well as international corporates in VIAC and ICC proceedings. Sources describe her as a “very dedicated, very friendly and extremely sharp” practitioner."
    • Zeiler Floyd Zadkovich
      Dispute Resolution – Leading firm 2017 (Austria, Band 2)
    • Gerold Zeiler
      "Founding partner Gerold Zeiler is an unrivalled arbitration expert, acting as both arbitrator and counsel on high-stakes international cases. Clients extol him as “one of the grands seigneurs of the Austrian arbitration community. He is very experienced, very smart but very friendly, with very good business acumen.” He is instructed by a strong banking and energy names as well as government entities.""

    Chambers Global 2016

    • Lisa Beisteiner
      "Focusing on both domestic and international arbitration and particularly active in the energy sector, Lisa Beisteiner is described as a lawyer who is "dedicated and bright with great business acumen."" Chambers Global 2016

    Chambers Global 2015

    • Gerold Zeiler
      "Gerold Zeiler of zeiler.partners Rechtsanwälte GmbH is widely regarded as a leading arbitrator in the market."
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      "Lisa Beisteiner of zeiler.partners Rechtsanwälte GmbH is a visible figure in arbitration proceedings involving the energy industry."

    Chambers Europe 2014

    • Lisa Beisteiner
      "Lisa Beisteiner is developing a busy arbitration practice, with peers and clients continuing to praise her activity in this area."

    TREND Anwaltsranking 2023

    • Gerold Zeiler
      Austria's Top Arbitration and Litigation Practitioner

    Handelsblatt 2022

    Best Lawyers 2024

    • Alfred Siwy
      Arbitration & Mediation
    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Arbitration & Mediation
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbitration & Mediation, Labour & Employment Law, and Litigation

    Handelsblatt 2023

    • Lisa Beisteiner
      Schiedsverfahren, Streitbeilegung, Mediation
    • Alfred Siwy
      Schiedsverfahren, Streitbeilegung, Mediation
    • Gerold Zeiler
      Arbeitsrecht | Konfliktlösung | Schiedsverfahren, Streitbeilegung, Mediation