Nächste Veranstaltungen

Vergangene Veranstaltungen

  • The firm celebrates Nurses Week 2020

    The firm celebrates Nurses Week 2020

    In celebration of Nurses Week 2020, we sponsored a lunch for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Adventist Hinsdale Hospital just outside of Chicago. These dedicated nurses face added challenges during the pandemic, but tell us they are still smiling behind the masks!

  • Virtual Q&A session with law students at Bridgwater and Taunton College

    Virtual Q&A session with law students at Bridgwater and Taunton College

    During these uncertain times, our team opened themselves up to questions from law students at Bridgwater & Taunton College to offer their background stories, insights, encouragement and guidance on a career in law.

  • We publish an article in Tulane Maritime Law Journal, vol. 44

    We publish an article in Tulane Maritime Law Journal, vol. 44

    „International Uniformity and Maritime Liens
    over Cargo: An Ocean Not Easily Navigated“
    We are excited to share our full journal article published by the prestigious and highly acclaimed Tulane Maritime Law Journal [44 TUL. MAR. L.J. 251 (2020)], co-authored by Aiden Lerch, Luke Zadkovich and Edward Floyd.

  • Do We Need a Multilateral Investment Court?  Debating ISDS Reform between Enthusiasm and Scepticism

    Do We Need a Multilateral Investment Court? Debating ISDS Reform between Enthusiasm and Scepticism

    The theme of the event corresponds to the 39th session of the UNCITRAL Working Group III and will i.a. cover questions related to composition and appointment of adjudicators, the implementation of an appeal mechanism and the recognition and enforcement of MIC decisions.

  • Dreiländer-Konferenz 2019 Vaduz: Schiedsverfahren in A, CH, FL

    Dreiländer-Konferenz 2019 Vaduz: Schiedsverfahren in A, CH, FL

    Die 7. Dreiländer-Konferenz der Schiedsvereinigungen ArbAUT, ASA und LIS
    findet am 25. Oktober 2019 in Vaduz statt.
    Nach dem bewährten Konzept der vorhergehenden Konferenzen befassen
    sich drei Panels, jeweils aus Sicht der drei nationalen Schiedsordnungen,
    mit folgenden aktuellen Themen:
    1. Eilschiedsverfahren – Eile mit Weile?
    2. Der Schutz von Betriebsgeheimnissen im Schiedsverfahren
    3. Der Schutz von Daten im Schiedsverfahren – Greift die DSGVO auch hier?

  • IP Disputes Conference – IPDC 2019: Trade Secrets

    IP Disputes Conference – IPDC 2019: Trade Secrets

    Protecting trade secrets / know-how in litigation, arbitration and mediation proceedings
    10 May 2019