• Home Office – neue Regelungen | 90 Seconds of Employment Law


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    Home Office gewinnt im modernen Arbeitsleben immer mehr an Bedeutung. Hans Georg Laimer führt die wichtigsten Punkte an, die dabei zu beachten sind, zB welche Formvorschriften für Home Office Vereinbarung zu beachten sind und wie es um erforderliche Arbeitsmittel steht.

  • Social Plans (Sozialpläne) | 90 Seconds of Employment Law


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    Due to changes in business, disadvantages for employees can occur. By agreeing on a shop agreement called Social Plan, Lukas Wieser explains how Social Plans can mitigate these disadvantages.

  • Division of Employment Contract in Event of a Transfer of Undertaking | 90 Seconds of Employment Law


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    In the event of a transfer of undertaking, employment contracts are automatically transferred to the transferee. Referring to a current case of the European Court of Justice, Vera Habe sums up what happens if there are more transferees and the transfer is only possible by a division of the employment contract.

  • Legal Pitfalls Regarding Collective Redundancies | 90 Seconds of Employment Law


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    Because of crises like the COVID-pandemic many employers are under a pressure to reduce costs which often leads to collective redundancies. Therefore, Andreas Tinhofer deals with the issue, which legal requirements have to be kept in mind when it comes to collective redundancies.

  • Personnel Measures in Times of Crisis | 90 Seconds of Employment Law


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    In times of crises employers often have to implement personnel measures to secure the viability of the company. Hans Georg Laimer talks about personnel measures like short-time work which can be considered to get through times of crises like the COVID-pandemic.

  • Ondrej Cech on European Agreement on Termination of BITs


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    A European agreement on termination of BITs recently came into force. Watch our Ondrej Cech discuss the impact of the agreement as a final blow to the intra-EU bilateral investment treaties.